be too spiritual. The writer is talking about those who hypocritically give the appearance of being pious. Here, God allows the natural man to speak of that which he sees and the way he looks at things. It is speaking against what was known as Pharisa ism in the time of our Lord. “What will happen to all the poor innocent babies who are b om out o f wedlock? I have a concern fo r th em ” A. Some individuals get very con cerned about such babies who are bom out of wedlock when they themselves have never been saved. They raise these questions to “throw dust into the air.” Sometimes it is because they don’t want to face the issue concern ing their own relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ. On the other hand, every real born- again Christian should have a concern for these little ones. They have been born through no fault of their own. If they grow to maturity, or to the age of accountability, they will be given the opportunity of accepting the Lord Jesus Christ the same as anyone else. If they are taken in death as babes, the death of Jesus Christ is sufficient to atone for their “original sin.” The child in that case will go immediately into the arms of the Saviour. Q, San Bernardino, California — “Where in Scripture does it say, and what does it mean, ‘the horse in blood up to the bridle reins ?’ ” A. The answer is Revelation 14:20, “The winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.” This is during the period when the church has been taken from the earth. Here we find God judging a Christ-rejecting world. There is so much death that the blood goes up to the bridles of the horses. It will be a tremendous carnage. The human eye can scarcely imagine it. As for the geographic distance men tioned, a thousand six hundred fur- Q . Vacaville, California —
Two life-long friends. Dr. Daniel Rose (left), and Dr. Louis T. Talbot, at the latters' 75th birthday celebration.
longs, is exactly the length of the Western part of the nation of Israel from Dan to Beersheba. It will be a time of tremendous conflict and the entire land will be bathed in blood. Q . Reedley, California — “When you know that God would like you to serve him in a special place, but you think you’re incapable o f it, what should you do?” A. There are probably very few peo ple who honestly feel they are capable of doing a particular job. The fact of the matter is, we really aren’t, in our own ability and strength. It must be done by the power and strengthening of the Holy Spirit. F irst of all, make sure you know God wants you to serve Him in a particular place. Serve Him right where you are and then, as you depend upon the Holy Spirit to guide and direct you, doing your job faith fully, the Lord will give you other things to do. This is the very reason for the fine schools which the Lord has raised up at Biola to prepare dedicated stu dents to serve Him more capably and effectively. 20
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