Biola Broadcaster - 1964-12

round and hard, and brains are in it. Your h air is on it. Your fa c e is in fron t o f your head w here you eat and m ake faces. Your n eck is what keeps your head out o f your collar. I t ’s hard to keep clean. Your stumm ick is something that i f you don’t eat enough it hurts, and spinach don’t help none. Your spine is a long bone in your neck that keeps you from fo ld ­ ing up. Your back is always behind you no m atter how quick you turn around. Your arm s you have to pitch with, and so you can reach the butter. Your fingers stick out o f your hands so you can throw a curve and add up ’rithm etic. Your legs is what i f you have not got two o f you can’t get to first base. Your fe e t are what you run on; your toes are what always get stubbed. And that’s all there is to you except what’s inside, and I never saw it.” An interesting definition o f a hu­ man being by a small boy. It no doubt causes us to smile. But there is vastly m ore to man than that which is seen on the outside. F o r every individual possesses a never-dying soul, the sal­ vation fo r whi'ch the L ord Jesu s Christ, God’s only begotten Son, gave His life on Calvary’s cross. The B ible tells us that the Lord is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. You may be able to define all o f the physical as­ pects o f an individual, but thè defini­ tion o f God’s rem edy fo r the sickness o f the soul can only be m et through personal faith in the Saviour, fo r the B ible rightly declares, "The soul that sinneth, it shall die." * * * In the average church today, there seems to be a shortage of engineers, while there is a surplus of brakemen. SELL YOUR OX All o f us will quickly agree that the pace o f this world is rapidly changing, as are the living standards Which people enjoy. Those item s which were once considered luxuries are note necessities. And while we talk o f materialism , and deplore its sweep­ ing tide across the land, yet how many o f us are willing to m ake real sacri­ l i

AMERICA'S GREATNESS More than five decades ago, the Czar o f Russia sent an am bassador to this country to discover the secret o f Am erica’s greatness. H e t r a v e l e d through our rich farm lands, descend­ ed into our mines, and examined our factories, but was dissatisfied in that in none o f these could he find the rea ­ son fo r Am erica’s success. Then came Sunday, w ith many o f the people m ak­ ing th eir way to church. The am bassa­ dor join ed them and later reported to his monarch, "On Sunday, the people o f the United S tates go to church to m eet God and to w orship Him as heavenly F ath er. Am erica is truly g reat because she honors the L ord !” Have you ever stopped to think o f it? I f beau tiful nature was what led peo­ ple to God, then it would follow that A frica would be the most Godly na­ tion on earth, but instead it is largely in spiritual darkness. I f science m ight lead people to God, then Germany perhaps would be holy, inhabited even by terrestial angels. I f it follow ed that prosperity and leisure urns the thing that lead people to God, then America should even now be in the millennium. But none o f these things are true. The B ible declares, “Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a re ­ proach to any people.” Again, "B lessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” It was given to Israel as a prom ise in I I Chronicles 7:11, but its princi­ ple can be claimed by us again today, " If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my fa ce, and turn from th eir w icked w ays; then will 1 h ear from heaven, and will forg iv e th eir sin, and will heal theirland.” * * * Lazy men plan busy tomorrows. * * * The Scripture rem inds us that "out o f thè mouths o f babes” great wisdom is som etim es brought forth . A little boy was asked in his school to define the human anatomy. He wrote the fo l­ lowing essay, "Your head is kinda A BOY'S DEFINITION OF THE HUMAN ANATOMY

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