ence’ I want you to know that I am a religiou s person. I believe that people should do righ t. But it would be a hoax to describe m e as a stainless creature. I go to church and believe in relig ion ; but also as the saying goes, I smoke, I drink, I chew and I go w ith the boys who do.’ And this about sums m e up.” What a tragedy that people should erroneously think that all God re quires is fo r us to be sincere or simply do the best we can. N eith er o f these things will get a man to heaven. Sal vation is based wholly upon personal fa ith and trust in the L ord Jesu s Christ. I f we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. I f we say that we have not sinned, we m ake God a liar, and his word is not in us. T h erefore i f any man be in Christ, he is a new crea tu re: old things are passed aw ay ; be hold, all things are become new. i p Sometimes the kindest act you can do in a day is listen to an older person just remembering. * it copy of this publication, please pass it along to a friend so that he may also enroll in the Plan and receive these helpful monthly features from the broadcasts. Since all materials from the Biola radio programs are included in the BROADCASTER, publication is gen erally completed near the end of the specific month. Your patience is greatly, appreciated. □ I Would like to become a member of the Biola Fellowship. Biola Fellowship Members receive a packet of envelopes (24 to expire in two years for monthly contributions). I am enclosing $.....................this month, and would like to send $............ ........ monthly for the ministries of Biola.
YOUR TESTIMONY People are not only fascin ating to watch, but also hearing what they say is interesting. In fact, in a gathering o f any kind, you can gain some very practical in sight into human nature by ju st keeping quiet and letting your ears work. You listen to one person compliment the other and som etim es h e hardly knows what to say. Reminds m e o f the poet’s humorous verse, I ju st can’t think o f a thing to say, Whenever a c o m p l im e n t comes my way. I gulp and squirm like a ner vous pup, Then, like a sponge, I soak it up! A recent national magazine prin ted what it d escribed as the “testimony" o f one o f Am erica’s buxom movie- stars. She is rep orted to have de clared, “Without apology, the stiff necked, blue-nosed Puritan church goers can’t understand me. Bu t there are others who love the Alm ighty, who don’t fe a r Him, and who can under stand my sort o f ‘reveren t irrev er If you are not receiving copies of the BROADCASTER monthly, you may have them come to your home or office automatically by being a member of the Biola Fellowship. This is a group of faithful donors who invest monthly in the distinctive ministries of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Specific monthly amounts are not set; this is a matter between you and the Lord. In maintaining this 53 year old work for the Saviour, we have found that faithfulness on the part of God’s stewards is the important thing. You are invited to become co-laborers with us in this vital testimony. The invest ment you make will bring you this publication monthly, hereafter, without your request. If you are already a member of the Fellowship and have received an extra
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