Biola Broadcaster - 1964-12

GOD'S WATCHFULNESS In the Word o f God we are told that the eye o f the L ord is upon the rig h t­ eou s; that H e sees all that we do. Som etim es w ith our finite minds we may find it hard to comprehend how such constant watchfulness and sur­ veillance could be possible. Yet, some o f the recent discoveries by scientists give us an interesting in sight into what man has devised. F o r instance, U.S. News and World R eport recently

ADMISSION OF GUILT A recent television program con­ ducted an interesting survey. The viewing audience was let in on a secret which the studio audience did not know. The m aster o f ceremonies was to talk to a number o f people w itness­ ing the program inviting them to tell o f some trouble into which they had gotten. It m ight be a ticket fo r p ark­ ing or speeding, or some oth er diffi­ culty which had befallen them. What the viewing audience knew that the studio audience did not know was that if any one o f them adm itted that he was at fault, he would be given a g ift o f $500.00. A number o f people told about differen t difficulties into which they had gotten. Yet, during the en­ tire course o f the interviews, not one o f them adm itted that he or she had been at fault. When the studio audi­ ence received the news as to u]hat the trick had been, however, several o f them raised their hands and said, “Oh yes, it was my fau lt a fte r all." But then it was too late. This is so much like the average in­ dividual who has never received Jesu s Christ as Saviour. The B ible tells us, “I f we say that we have not sinned, we m ake God a liar, and his word is not in us." It is as though God were interview ing men and wom.en, and boys and girls, today. I f we will con­ fes s that we are sinners and accept His means o f forgiven ess, then He gives us a rew ard fa r transcending any $500.00 g ift o f this earth. He gives us the inheritanceship o f heav­ en, and we become joint heirs with H is Son, Jesu s Christ. I f only we could transport people from this life to the next and show them what they would be m issing, everyone would want to m ake a decision here and now. But God gives the prerogative to men to m ake th eir own choice, as they will. That priceless g ift o f sal­ vation, now offered freely , i f rejected , will someday be desired above all else, but then it will be fo rev er too late! “F o r how shall we escape i f we neg­ lect so great a salvation?" 29

Closed circuit security command post.

carried an article on how outstanding political leaders are p rotected in various key rallies. A single officer is seated in fro n t o f 7 or 8 television screens, showing v a r i o u s vantage points o f the one to be protected. In constant communication w ith fellow officers, he can imm ediately dispatch units to areas w here trouble may seem to be brewing. Now i f m ere man could devise such a system, we need not question the possibility o f the eyes o f the L ord being always upon the rig h t­ eous. But the B ible also says that His ears are closed to those who have never received H is Son as Saviour. While sin and crime is rampant, still men think they can get to heaven on their own rights. A religious survey was taken in a typical Am erican town recently. There, nearly e v e r y o n e thought that he would be able to go to heaven by living a good life. As one man summed it up, “I f I am good enough to keep out o f ja il on earth I ’U certainly be good enough to keep out o f hell a fte r death.” The B ible says that “all have sinned" and that salva­ tion comes through grace, not by works, “lest any man should boast."

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