Biola Broadcaster - 1964-12

by Dr. Ralph L. Keiper


I N A VERY REAL SENSE there is a psy­ chology to the Great Tribulation. The entire spirit we see is one of de­ ception. The word “then” found at the be­ ginning of verses 16, 21, and 23 of Matthew 24 means “at the same time.” So with the abomination of desolation, the exodus from the land, and the “eye” of the tribulation storm, at the very same time will the spirit of de­ ception be prevalent. This is a time of lying wonders, lying tongues, and of gathering eagles. Let us think of the first, lying won­ ders. Three warnings are given. First, the believer is to avoid false claims; secondly, the people of that day are to avoid false Christs and false prophets; and third, they are to heed the warnings Christ gave them. Verse 23 states, “Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe him not.” The people are in the midst of their exodus. As they flee their homes and run from their fields they are looking for a na­ tional deliverer. Instead, however, de­ ception will be rampant. When Satan works, he not only misquotes the Word of God, but also he offers false miracles. Verse 24 clearly points this out. Two words in this regard are inter­ esting, “signs” and “wonders.” We might use these words as synonymous, however, in the likeness there is a dif­ ference. The word “sign” gives us the idea of a signal, an ensign, or a symbol. It is an upward representa­ tive of an inner meaning. In diplo­ matic terms it could represent a code. Stationed around the world are repre­ sentatives of our country. When mes­ sages come from the State Depart­ ment they are usually in code. The purpose is to protect the important secret. No one can know the mes­ sage without “cracking” the code. In a sense these signs were “codes.” A Gentile couldn’t know what would

be real only to a Jew who was familiar with the Old Testament. Spiritually speaking, we can see how important it is for believers to be acquainted with the entire Bible. We are warned again and again not to heed the deceivers. Our Lord says, “Behold, I have told you before” (verse 25). One further thought centers around the last word of verse 24. “Elect” does not refer to those of us who have been redeemed by the sovereign grace of God in this present dispensation. We THE PERFECT CHURCH I think that I shall never see A church that’s all it ought to be; A church whose members never stray Beyond the straight and narrow way; A church that has no empty pews Whose pastor never has the blues; A church whose deacons always ''deak/' And none is proud, and all are meek; Where gossips never peddle lies, Or make complaints and criticize; Where all are always sweet and kind, To all of others' faults are blind. Such perfect churches there may be, But none of them is known to me. But still, we’ll work, and pray and plan To make our own the best we can. are now a part of His body and form His church. This refers to that rem­ nant of God’s people Israel whom the Lord will redeem and restore, bring­ ing them back to their land. So for us, let us not be drawn away by experi­ ences or even by great personalities who may be able to misuse the Word of God. May we make every endeavor to be filled with the Spirit of God and to study His truth so that we might walk in the way and in the will of the Lord. 3

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