A friend is a person who will share your lot with you, without asking the size of it. * * * TRUE THANKSGIVING Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday, o f course, commemorating the harvest o f the Plymouth colony in 1621 follow ing a w inter o f g reat hard ship. It was in 1863, 101 years ago, that Abraham Lincoln officially pro claimed it a day set dpart fo r the na tional giving o f thanks to A lm ighty God. Certainly, -we can look back to those days and reflect upon the Scrip tural truth, “B lessed is the nation whose God is the L ord .’’ F o r the most wonderful and exemplory meaning o f Thanksgiving , we look to our Lord and Saviour Jesu s Christ- fo r He gave H im self on Calvary. Everything about Him is m arked ivith the g race o f liv ing. H e gave up heaven fo r earth. He gave H im self that He m ight give out His unfathom able love to all. He gave H is life fo r us that th ere m ight be forgiven ess o f sin. “F o r God eom- mendeth H is love toward ns, in that, while we w ere yet sinners, Christ died fo r us.” David rightly declared, “B less the Lord, 0 my soul: and all that is with in me, bless H is holy name." Someone has rightly said, “To be thankfu l means to be thinkfu l.” F o r in the words o f the L ord Jesu s. “A good man out o f the good treasure o f his h eart bringetli forth that which is good; and an evil man out o f the evil treasure o f his heart bringetli fo rth that which is ev il: fo r out o f the abundance o f the h eart the month sp eaketh” (Lu ke 6 :15 ). There are many things fo r which we can be thankfu l — food, clothing, shelter. A suit o f clothes, how ever , is not con sidered precious a fte r it has been worn fo r ten years. The fo od we eat satisfies only fo r a few hours. But salvation can mean more to you to morrow than it does today, when you consider ivliat God has done fo r you. The Scripture exhorts us, “In every thing give thanks!" * * * If you want something, work for it. If you expect something then wait for it.
Mrs. Ray A . Myers, wife of Biola's Board Chair- man, receives birthday corsage from Mrs. Eugene Spindler. vice president of the Biola Women Faculty. ATHEISTS TEN OBJECTIVES Ju st in case someone may be think ing that we have heard the last o f the insidious fight being waged against truth and righteousness, let m e read you something which appeared in the August H , 1963 issue o f the annual “Report" on the American A ssocia tion fo r the Advancement o f A the ism." The United States, not being a Christian nation, and its godless constitution requiring a secular government, the Association demands: 1. Taxation of all church properties. 2. Elimination of chaplains and sectarian institu tions from the public payroll. 3. Repeal of laws restricting rights of atheists and those enforcing Christian morals. 4. Abolition of oaths in courts and at inaugura tions. 5. Nonissuance of religious proclamations by chief executives. 6. Erasure of the superstitious inscription, "In God We Trust" from our coins, and the removal of the church flag. 7. Exclusion of the Bible from the public schools as a sacred book. 8. Suppression of the "bootlegging" of religion through dismissing pupils for religious instruction during class time. 9. Secularization of marriage, with divorce granted upon request. 10. Repeal of anti-evolution, anti-birth control, and censorship laws. There you have the ath eists’ ten- point program , and generally we find Christians lethargic to conditions as they exist today. We believe that one o f the g reatest m ission fields rig h t on our own doorstep is the public school room, ivliere m ore than 37 million boys and girls must be reached. How des perately we need born-again and dedi cated men and women, who can, by lip and life, give a ready testimony fo r the L ord Jesu s Christ. Will you pray fo r these B iola young people p rep ar ing fo r this field o f service? 30
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