
brands in your market. Ask general questions of each other such as, “What are some current marketing tactics you use today that could be co-branded?” “Would you be willing to share a stack of business cards to have handy the next time a customer needs another home service?” “Can we remember to use each other when we personally need another home service?” “How can we help each other with recruiting?”

Appoint a leader You see the value and have an interest in local cross marketing. Take the initiative and appoint yourself the leader or reach out to another Neighborly ™ brand you already know and ask them to partner with you.


Obtain a list of Neighborly franchisees in


your area You will be provided a link for the Find-A-Brand tool where you can find contact information on the neighboring brands in your area. Contact your franchise consultant for more information.


Plan a longer, scheduled meeting, 1 hour to 90

minutes once a month or quarterly with the

interested franchises • Brainstorm ideas • Share business and marketing best practices • Review playbook and pick a few tactics to develop and use • Contact Dwyer Group ® Marketing for support

Plan a short 30 minute telephone conference


with each other Send an email out to your group to see if anyone has an interest in meeting. Contact your local marketing support team for an email template to use for this. We know everyone is busy and it is easy to just say no. Spark their curiosity by telling them you have a plan for getting everyone’s phone to ring more. A brief introduction meeting will allow for you to gauge the interest of your neighboring Dwyer Group ®


Continue to meet once a month or once a

quarter, measure results, add tactics to

increase benefit.

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