AERATION SYSTEM GENERAL INSPECTION The following inspecƟon should be performed monthly.
1. Check pressure gauges for accuracy. 2. Close manhole covers. Close all valves except aeraƟon valves. Remove dust cap from product line. 3. Start compressor (or blower) and pressurize tank unƟl relief valve opens. DO NOT EXCEED MAXIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE
WARNING If relief valve does not open at pressure specified on valve, shut down blower and correct the cause of the inoperative relief valve.
4. AŌer tank is pressurized, close the aeraƟon valves and shut off compressor blower. Tank pressure should remain rela- Ɵvely constant. If pressure drops excessively, check for leaks in manhole cover, relief valve, blowdown valve and tank proper. If none are found with the above inspecƟon, check for air leaks in the aeraƟon, pressure control and product valves. 5. When inspecƟon is complete, open blowdown valve to exhaust the air in the tank. Replace dust cap on product line. If one or more hoppers does not discharge properly, and there are no leaks in tank or valves, the following service pro- cedure is recommended. 1. Remove product from these secƟons. 2. Check aeraƟon line for possible plug. 3. Check aeraƟon device on interior of tank. Look for torn molded neoprene cone(s), rotated wear plate(s) or plugged aerator housings. Clean, adjust or replace as necessary.
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