The Master Supervisor training program is the most comprehensive and valuable training available for supervisors and organizations. This training program pays back through direct application of improvement, problem solving, leadership methods and tools. This program provides the participant with a practical understanding of how to be a more effective supervisor and lead people to improved organizational performance. Key methods and tools are put to immediate use to provide documented improvement in individual and team performance measures. The fundamentals of supervision and leadership are put into practical terms, applications and tools to provide the participant a well-rounded understanding of how and when to use the key tools and techniques. Special consideration is given to performance metrics, goal setting and performance management, or “how to help others succeed.” Performance metrics are established
The Manufacturing Leadership Transformation program has four core areas of focus that can be delivered individually, but are recommended together to achieve the greatest positive impact. The four core focus areas begin an organization on a lean transformation pathway. Core areas of focus include: 1. Executive Leadership Team Alignment & Coaching • Strategic planning & deployment methods/tools • One-page plan development, which is key for lean transformation 2. First Level Leadership Alignment & Applications Training • One-page plan deployment and basic supervisor skills training and development • This is the “people side” and execution of the management system focus for a successful lean transformation 3. Grassroots Level Lean Applications Training • 5S and visual controls • Shop floor and office improvements and applications 4. Value Stream Mapping to High Impact Lean Sigma Improvement Projects • This is the bottom line impact work driven through cross functional teams
to document improvements. • Personality Preference –
Understanding Yourself & Others • Valuing Diversity & Team Building
• Communications – Written, Verbal & Presentations • Performance Management, Goal Setting & Delegation • Rewards, Discipline & Terminations • Conflict Management • Problem Solving & Decision Making • Continuous Improvement & Managing Change
• Interviewing & Meeting Leading • Project & Time Management • Stress & Anger Management • Motivation • Leadership, Coaching & Trust Building
Company investment in the products and services described in this catalog will be quoted based on consideration of customer-unique content and hours to deliver. An MMTC-West Business Development Specialist will work with you to assess your company’s needs.
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