MMTC 2024-2025 Training Catalog


continuous improvement is a core responsibility of a company’s leadership team. This tool looks at two particular behaviors that focus on solutions: Improvement Kata and Coaching Kata. Classroom: Introduction to the Toyota Kata theory and its use and success at Toyota; Hands-on demonstrations and exercises using a simulation; Why Toyota Kata is successful compared to other management systems; Five-Question Coaching Dialog and Rapid PDCA Cycles; Explanation and Application of Coaching Dialog and PDCA Cycles. Shopfloor: Review of Toyota Kata concepts and principles; Hands-on practice applying the concepts to an actual value stream; Discussion of sustaining the Kata process and roll out TRAINING WITHIN INDUSTRY (TWI) 24 hours – $7,800 Training Within Industry (TWI) is a systematic method of delivering consistent training. It provides a standard basis for the teacher to teach, thus improving the consistency and speed in which trainees learn. TWI focuses on documenting the training process and providing key activities, important points and reasons for each activity. Manufacturers who leverage TWI experience greater consistency in training their employees on all levels, which leads to reduced quality issues and greater employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention. TWI is an effective training program as it: • Develops a structured and standardized training process that is seamlessly translated from teacher to learner • Aligns shop floor activities with company goals • Encourages and expands two-way communication • Creates an environment that fosters a culture of continuous improvement VALUE STREAM MAPPING (VSM) 22 hours – $8,700 Value Stream Mapping (VSM) identifies wastes and constraints in your current value stream. It develops a methodology for accurately assessing current state and future state processes and uses activity-based process modeling techniques to capture cost, time, and other operational data along any given Value Stream. In this training, participants develop a current state map, future state map(s), and implementation plan. Participants will learn the principles of VSM and create the maps and implementation plan over several sessions. Each session will advance the learning and include homework for the team to practice and collect additional data for the next session.

Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) is a four-step process to reduce the time a machine is down during changeover from the last good part of the last run to the first good part of the next run. The process analyzes the current changeover process, identifies waste, identifies the internal and external activities, separates the two activities and standardizes the process. Most companies can reduce down time due to changeover by 50% for machines that have not been analyzed without expending capital. Participants will learn about the process and apply the learning by actually analyzing a changeover of a machine at their organization. TEAM SCIENTIFIC METHOD (TSM) 8 hours – $2,600 Team Scientific Method (TSM) is about applying the Toyota Thinking Process and creating conversations around team learning. TSM should be viewed primarily as a celebratory activity, utilizing the recognition of effort to drive the process. The team uses the daily management measures to identify problems/variation within their process and create rapid experiments based on data. Team Scientific Method creates higher level opportunities to apply Scientific Thinking on larger issues, thus cascading the Scientific Thinking up the organization while the measures are cascading down through the organization. TOTAL PRODUCTION MAINTENANCE (TPM) 24 hours – $7,800 Total Production Maintenance (TPM) is a company-wide team-based effort to improve equipment performance, which then leads to higher productivity and better quality. The basic tools of TPM and a plan for implementing them are covered. Participants also learn how to calculate and use Overall Equipment Effectiveness, the key metric for measuring equipment performance. This course emphasizes the importance of teamwork and integration between production personnel and the maintenance department.

TOYOTA KATA 8 hours – $2,500

Toyota Kata is a lean method that creates a sustainable culture of daily continuous improvement through the use of simple routines. It is not the solution to a problem that makes and keeps an organization successful, it is the ability to continually develop solutions for continually developing process issues that allows an organization to thrive. Nurturing and maintaining this ability to practice | 08

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