A&A Committee
The A&A Committee has been very busy since October 15th when we resumed evaluating and approving permits. That policy is, we only approve permits for review between October 15th through April 15th. That will be the standard going forward. The committee meets twice a month every other Wednesday in the East room at 1PM. At our next meeting we will be discussing types of shade structures allowed in the resort. We haven't set a standard. We evaluate each shade structure request on a case by case basis. That is because these products continue to evolve. However, the soft top, or canvas top shade structures are of concern. We have seen the tops get destroyed by the brutal sun in this climate. The canvas used in these lesser expensive models are not Sunbrella material like most of the umbrellas, rather a lesser quality material that just doesn't stand up the brutal UV rays. Additionally, feedback from owners on the challenges of installing and removing the tops seasonally, as required by our rules, is leading the committee toward eliminating the canvas tops and encouraging the hard metal top structures as our standard. All these are scheduled to be discussed at our next meeting. We welcome all input from owners. Please consult with us BEFORE purchasing a shade structure. Another item the membership should be aware of is the new mandate by the City of Cathedral City for electrical upgrades on the lots when doing major renovations or ANY electrical changes to the lots. The old wiring on many lots is not up to code and in many cases dangerous. We see a lot of this. The City, and our rules, mandate a licensed electrical contractor perform all work of this nature. None of our employees are licensed electricians. They are not allowed to perform ANY of this type of work. Please don't jeopardize their employment by consulting with them. Our General Manager has counseled all employees on this condition regarding employee work rules. Another item I want to mention is regarding our rules on RV rig aesthetics. We replaced the 15 yr rule with the aesthetic rule. This requires ANY rig sold within the resort to pass an inspection. That rule also requires ALL rigs to be kept to an acceptable standard. Our Compliance coordinator and the committee is evaluating all the rigs in the resort as we ALL want a beautiful resort as our winter home. My team of volunteers not only review and approve permits but also provide consultations to our members on what the rules allow as well as ideas for lot improvements. I would encourage all owners to go online and review the rules and take advantage of the services we provide.
How Times Have changed!
Ted Wilson, A&A Chair
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