Farming in Focus Spring 2021

This change in pH occurred through “traditional” soil acidity management. Soil test, blanket rate of lime and incorporate using offset discs. However, a wet 2020 combined with an acid soil sensitive crop (Faba beans) highlighted areas that were underperforming. These differences were the result of low pH (4.4 CaCl) and high Exchangeable Aluminum, resulting in rhizobia death and plants underperforming. Further testing showed that the average pH for 0–10cm was 5.7 CaCl, however at 10–15cm the pH was 4.4 CaCl. Targeted lime application was undertaken following 2020 harvest and lime was incorporated to a depth of 25cm – Yes some horse power was required! Incremental depth testing (0-5, 5-10, 10-15cm) on 2ha grids across the paddock is a more thorough way to improve the accuracy of results therefore leading to targeted precision in your amelioration projects. This then allows the ability to spread the required amounts variably and cost effectively based on results. The testing of PH, CEC and organic matter % to determine the rates of lime to apply and incorporate to these depths can be done strategically with the most precise implement. The timing of this testing can be completed up to a season out from amelioration, with the amelioration occurring at the termination of a pasture phase, post legume or canola. This reduces the impact on minimal/ zero till stubble retained systems.

High resolution aerial imagery/ NDVI imagery can be used to identify and target potential acidic soil areas of concern (when growing sensitive crops). Ground truthing this imagery, in conjunction with yield mapping to fine tune testing areas and zone creation. Another important consideration for pH management is the increase of availability of key nutrients when the soil is at a neutral pH (5.5). Acid soils limit the accessibility of key nutrients to the crop, as seen in Fig. 2. The ability for the crop to access these nutrients is paramount for overall crop health and potential, with improvements to the critical root zone (0-15cm) necessary through the above listed testing and amelioration strategies.

We hope that everyone has enjoyed a prosperous season in 2021 and enjoy a fruitful harvest across the livestock and cropping industries. If you’d like to get in touch with the team at Baker Ag Advantage, please give us a call or find us on Facebook or Twitter. All the best for the season ahead.

Chris, Matt & Dan Chris: 0428 635 556 Matt: 0418 169 864 Dan: 0467 076 092

2-6 Union Street, Forbes NSW 2871

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