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Séguin-Couture also needs to contact UIF$POTFJMTDPMBJSFEFEJTUSJDUDBUIPMJRVF EF M&TUPOUBSJFO $%4$&0 5IF&NCSVO branch of the library operates out of the Pavillon La Croisée, part of École élémentaire DBUIPMJRVF&NCSVO UISPVHIBOTIBSJOHBS - SBOHFNFOUCFUXFFO UIF$%4$&0BOE UIF library board. looks forward to welcoming patrons back inside. 5IF$%4$&0XJMMCFXPSLJOHPOJUTPXO plan for reopening schools to students in September. Séguin-Couture is uncertain XIFUIFSPSOPUUIF$%4$&0XJMMBMMPXHFOFSBM public access into the school for anyone who XBOUTUPHPUPUIF&NCSVOMJCSBSZCSBODI


Open or closed? Local libraries are among the institutions and businesses that can open their doors now as part of Stage 3 of Phase Two of the the pro- vincial government’s pandemic recovery plan for Ontario. France Séguin-Couture, chief executive officer for the Russell Public Library, has to review her staff list and prepare a plan with recommendations to present to the library board at its next meeting about reopening CPUIUIF3VTTFMMBOE&NCSVOCSBODIFTPG Russell Township libraries to the public. i8FBSFOPUGVMMZFRVJQQFEGPSUIJTZFU u said Séguin-Couture. She will propose the board approve con- tinuing with the present curbside pickup and dropoff system that was set up during the early days of the pandemic, when all public libraries were closed to the public. She noted that the curbside program has worked very well for library patrons since it was set up in May. More than 3200 books and other items were checked out of the Russell branch through the curbside program in June and more than 1000 items through UIF&NCSVOCSBODI

Carole et Brian McMaster, propriétaires de la franchise du restaurant St-Hubert à Casselman, Valérie Clément et Line Paquette gérantes de la rôtisserie, Josée Vaillancourt, directrice de la Fondation St-Hubert, Diane Perreault, présidente de la Banque alimentaire de Casselman, Danielle Matte, rôtisseuse et Marie-Pier Prévost, superviseure, posent lors de la remise d’un don de 500$ à la banque alimentaire de Casselman le 10 juillet dernier. Différentes cueillettes de fond ayant lieu dans l’année auprès de la clientèle et des employés de St-Hubert ont permis à la Fondation St-Hubert d’allouer ce don à la Banque alimentaire de Casselman. —photo fournie

The Russell branch of the Russell Public Library should soon be open to the public again as soon as library staff and the board of directors have worked out how to meet public health safety guidelines under the provincial government’s pandemic recovery plan. —photo Gregg Chamberlain


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Horaire de collecte des ordures ménagères et du recyclage à l’occasion du congé civique du 3 aout 2020 À l’occasion du congé civique du 3 aout, la collecte des ordures et du recyclage seront reportés d’une journée pour l’ensemble du territoire. Les services auront lieu du mardi au samedi. Waste and recycling for the August 3, 2020 civic holiday Note that all collection services of waste and recycling for the August 3 civic holiday will be postponed by one day for the entire territory. Services will be performed from Tuesday to Saturday.

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