SootEater® Chimney Cleaning Kit OM | RCH205-B

Cleaning Wood Stove Chimneys from the “ Bottom Up ” “Using a Vacuum” (cont.)

Method 3: Cleaning through Chimney Cleanout w/Vacuum Placed in Stove

Step 1- Important: Read all information on pages 5, 6, 7 & 8 before proceeding. Step 2- Insert vacuum hose into stove or into stove pipe from inside stove. Step 3- Seal off opening with plastic & duct tape. Step 4- Turn on vacuum.

Vacuum hose locations

Cleaning Through Clean Out Tee

Cleaning Through Clean Out Door

Step 5- Remove tee cover. Step 6- Insert whip & rod into flue. Step 7- Seal bottom of tee w/plastic. Poke hole in plastic, then feed rod through before sealing completely. Step 8- Rotary clean through bottom of tee Step 9- See pages 17 & 18 for instructions on finishing up.

Step 5- Open cleanout ; insert whip and rod into flue. Step 6- Rotary clean through cleanout door from bottom up.

Step 7- See pages 17 & 18 for instructions on finishing up.


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