SootEater® Chimney Cleaning Kit OM | RCH205-B

Cleaning Wood Stove Chimneys from the “ Bottom Up ” “Without Vacuum”

Method 1: Cleaning Through Stove Door Opening (Without Vacuum): Caution: This method can only be used if you have direct access to the chimney flue from inside the stove without creating a tight bend radius while cleaning.

Step 1- Important: Read all information on pages 5, 6, 7 & 8 before proceeding. Step 2- Feed rods & whip into flue through stove opening or into bottom of vertical flue as shown in diagrams. Step 3- Seal off part (or all) of opening with plastic & secure with duct tape. Note: Make a small hole in center of plastic and feed rod through hole before sealing. Step 4- Rotary clean through stove and up into stove pipe and chimney flue. Caution: • Always use a “Back & Forth” motion while spinning rods to prevent screws in flue pipe from cutting through rods. • Always spin rods at angles “less than 90 deg. Step 5- See pages 17 & 18 for instructions on finishing up.

Seal stove opening or bottom of vertical flue pipe with plastic to help contain dust while rotary cleaning


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