Aims & Objectives The cover crop trial was established to show a selection of useful species and mixes that we offer, to highlight the benefits, note observations and extract informative data. This was done to field scale to allow for any disparities in conditions across the site. A selection of individual species and different types of mixes were used. From this it will be valuable to note nutrient use or immobilisation, species vigour and growth habit alone, and how they respond when grown with other species. Biomass above ground and rooting structure will also be looked at. Both single species and mixtures were used to observe how individual components behave alone and when together. Is there synergy or antagonism? The mixes used are also designed for different purposes, emphasizing the key benefits of growing these crops. Soil samples were taken across all plots, at the start of the trial, and were taken later on in the season too. This will be to establish the quality of the soil and empirical evidence if the crops have made an improvement . In addition to the standard observations, Polysulphate will be applied at 2 different rates across all plots, to determine any improvements in rooting and nutrient immobilisation. Nutrient uptake will be monitored across the species and mixes with responses to the Poly fertiliser recorded. Throughout the duration of the crop in the ground, visual assessments will be made. These images will be compared and were recorded. Rooting structure will also be noted, and how it has affected the soil structure around it. The recording of nutrient uptake and soil sampling before and after the crop are to gain empirical data from the crops. Although some crops may not look the best above or even below ground, it can be taking up far more nutrients than expected. Once this data is recorded, it can support decision making of future cover crops, and what the crop needs to achieve. Green area index will be recorded to establish which species/mix is producing the most biomass above the ground. This will be particularly prevalent when looking to destroy the cover, and what is the best, most efficient method for the following crop, ground conditions and retaining the nutrients held by the plants. Protocol • Site subsoiled to remove compaction and then established using standard farm equipment. • Full spectrum Solvita analysis across the site. • Initial recording of emergence. • Pictorial record of crop progression. • Visual inspection of rooting and biomass of all plots including Polysulphate treated areas. • Tissue analysis of the plots to determine nutrient contents. • Second round of Solvita tests to observe any differences. • Crop destruction. • Follow up OM matter assessments to observe any improvements. This trial was drilled on the 3rd September 2020.
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