King's Business - 1941-11

November, 1941



Kingsburg, Calif. He served In supply­ ing the pulpit in that church in 1923,. while still a student at Biola. Mr. Sanden is a member of the American Associa­ tion for the Advancement of Science as well as the Texas Academy of Science, His lectures on the correlation of science and religion are said to be among the most remarkable evangelistic efforts of the day. Holland O. (B. Th. ’39) and Mrs. Myer (Jean Gilgert), 4720 Pescadero Ave.,- Ocean Beach, San Diego, Calif., have felt led to leave their work in the First Baptist Church of La Jolla, Calif„ where Mr. Myer was pastor, to enter the evangelistic field. Their first meetings are scheduled to be held with Byron Chase ih the Community Baptist Church of Boron, Calif., October 19 to November 2. In November and Decem­ ber, Mr. and Mrs. Myer probably will be working in Colorado and its vicinity. Erma Purdy, ’40, also expects to be a member of the party, assisting as a children’s worker. Besides giving the evangelistic messages, Mr. Myer plays the trumpet and other instruments,' particularly in connection- with young people’s meetings. Helen Thiesen, ’38, has been taking nurses’ training at Bethel Hospital, New-, ton, Kans. , Margaret Hart, ’38, 821 N. Kilkea Dr., Los AngeleS, Calif., is attending the University of California at Los Angeles and has been active in Bible club work there as well as in service in the West Hollywood Baptist Church and in West- lake Calvary Church. Orville (’39) and Mrs. Hurd (’39), of Orange, Calif., and their baby son, Jhmie, sailed from New York on Oc­ tober 9, for service in Nigeria under the Sudan interior Mission. They can be addressed for the present in care of the Sudan Interior Mission, Jos, Nigeria, W. Africa. A Annabel Lee Crumly, ’38, 4129 N. Grif­ fin Ave., Los Angeles, Calif., is serv­ ing as Assistant Office Editor with the Biblical Research Society, which under the leadership of David L. Cooper is engaged in evangelizing the Jew by the literary method. Frances Smith, ’38, Box 12J, Butte Falls, Ore., has been Superintendent of the Quiet Hour Department in the Cra­ ter Lake Chr^tian Endeavor Union, and in( the past summer helped in Vacation Bible School and summer conference work. Mary A. Smiley, ’36, Faith Fellowship, P. O. Box 1221, Shanghai, China, is en­ gaged in children’s work, teaching in a .school which includes at least nine dif­ ferent nationalities in its enrollment. In addition, she has charge of six children in the boarding part of the school. Violet LeFevre, ’36, also has been serving under the same organization* [ Continued on Page 445]

Bible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE

faith work, touching about one hundred Chinese a month in scattered farms, homes, and small Chinese churches. No organized board is backing their work. They make their headquarters at 1510% Sixth St., Sacramento, Calif., and go forth as the Lord lays particular needs on their hearts. Mr. and Mrs. Fung are attempting to place a Chinese Bible and hymnal in every home that shows definite interest, and they are praying about a printing press for publi­ cation of Chinese Christian literature in America in case the source of such supplies, the publishing houses of China, should be cut off. From the church these workers formerly served at Oak­ land, four students kre now enrolled at Biola. ' Trombone Quartet Tour The Biola Trombone Quartet, under the leadership of Professor David Hey- denburk, represented the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles in conducting a large number of meetings on their trans­ continental tour, from June 8 to August 27, traveling *13,086 miles in 27 states. The personnel of the quartet included Bill Sàlverda, Harold Schock, Roy Mc- Kaughan, ’41, and David Carr. On the west coast they journeyed as -far south as San Diego and as far north as Yakima, Wash. Washington, D. C., and Hempstead, Long Island, N. Y., were the farthest points east on their itin­ erary. Besides all the regular services, the quartet played over three radio stations, to prisoners in one jail, to Canadian soldiers in a camp in Toronto, to United States Army men at Fort Warren, Chey­ enne, Wyo., at four joint meetings on a' Sunday with Dr. Talbot, and with the Westmont Trumpeters at a joint evening service in Ventura, Calif. The members of thè team rejoice that as a result of their summer’s ministry, twen­ ty-six persons indicated their acceptance of Christ, twenty-four made decisions of another nature,’ and seventy-five re­ quested prayer. Institute Graduates at Home and Abroad Marjorie G. •Thompson, ’40, of the Orinoco River Mission, left Southern California on August 19 to sail from New York .for service in Venezuela, S. A. Her temporary mail address' on the field is to be Apartado 578, Garu- pano, Venezuela, S. A. Oscar E. Sanden, ’23, pastor of the Alamo Heights Presbyterian Church of San Antonio, Tex., plans to conduct an evangelistic meeting November 2 to 9, at the Evangelical Free Church of

Recent Ordinations Jack Brown, ’41, was ordained to the • gospel ministry at th e Church of the Open Door on September 3, 1941. He and Mrs. Brown {Helen Bradley, ’41) .will be at LeRose, Ky., for thè time being, working with Lawrence D. (’39) and Mrs. Powell (Meta Schroeder, ’39), all of them with the Kentucky Mountain Mission. Marvin F. Dick, ’39, received his ordi­ nation on August 24,. at the Mennonite Brethren Church, Shatter, Calif He and Mrs. Dick (Elizabeth Voth) are affili­ ated with the Philippian Faith Mission, and Mr. Dick is to be pastor of the church at Hayfork, Calif. George Kevorkian, ’39, was graduated from Wheaton College in June, 1941, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and on the day of his graduation was ordained to the gospel ministry by the Wheaton College Bible Department and the Wheaton churches, H. C. Thiessen was the moderator. During the summer months Mr. Kevorkian has been occu­ pying various pulpits in the vicinity of Los Angeles. He may be addressed at 4969 Twining St., Los Angeles. Walter A. Lepp, ’39, who has been assisting Paul Bauman in the Second Brethren Church of Los Angeles, Calif., has been called to the pastorate of the First Brethren Church of Cleveland, Ohio. He was ordained to the ministry on September 7 in the church in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs, Lepp have two children, Marjorie Ann and Walter A , Jr. LaVeme Olson, ’40, and Herbert Wil-. liams were ordained on September 9 at the Ceres Baptist Church, Mr. Olson is engaged in a ministry to migrants at Yuba City, Calif., where he can be ad­ dressed at Box 84. Journeying up and down California’s great valleys and as far south as San Diego, following the Holy Spirit’s lead­ ing in adjusting to individual circum­ stances, two American-born Chinese, former students of the Bible institute of Los Angeles, have found rich bless­ ing in a person-to-person ««aimstry to their own people. Prior to the spring of 1940, Frank Fung and his wife (Beatrice Chong, ’33) served for four years in the Independent Baptist Church of Oakland, Calif., where'/ Mr. Fung was pastor. Though appre­ ciating the value bf their experiences in the Oakland church, they felt led to resign this work a year ago last June. Since that time they have been traveling from community to community, in a A Chinese Visitation ^‘Circuit” in California

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