King's Business - 1941-11

G E T ~ , H t * ^ 6 E Hundreds of God’s people, through no fault of their own, find themselves in communities filled with modern­ istic churches wherein Voices are feebly raised, if raised at all, in the proclamation of “ the faith which was once for all delivered unto the saints.” It would be a real disaster to the cause of the church of Christ should your splendid magazine, T H E K IN G ’S BUSINESS, be compelled to suffer because -of lack of proper support.

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HERE IS PROFIT that is transitory. The world is well acquainted with that kind -L of gain. In many parts of the country, working conditions are improved; salaries are increased. But it must not be forgotten that there is also profit which is eternal, that is wholly unaffected by the condition of the stock market or the fear of inflation. » THE KING’S "BUSINESS appeals to you to give attention to spiritual profiting. To be ex­ plicit: Have you the vision of what YOUR sub­ scription to this Bible Family Magazine can mean to YOU and your c i r c l e of influence throughout this tremendously significant year? Have you considered that, with a little sacrifice on your part RIGHT NOW , you can send into other homes for an entire year a monthly mes­ sage of spiritual blessing and power? What Outstanding Christians Say Most Important “ Defense ” In these days whe we hear so much about defense, let us know that the defense of the gospel is still the most important of all our defense efforts. In my travels over thes<^United States in Bible con­ ference work in churches of the various denominations, in which it has been and is my privilege to engage, hun­ dreds of God’s choicest saints have testified to me of the great blessing and spiritual uplift that T H E K IN G ’S BUSINESS has been in making known to them the riches of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, as well as the good news of His coming kingdom.

LOUIS S. BAUMAN , Pastor, First Brethren C h u r c h , Long Beach, Calif.; Author; Church Leader and Conference Speaker.

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Exalting the Truth In these days of widespread rejection of those basic truths on which our glorious faith is founded, you are doing an outstanding work in the field of Christian literature.

A R T H U R I . ' BROWN , Bible Teacher and Lecturer on the Bible and Science, Victoria, B. C., Can.

Of Special Value to Rural Communities There is a ¡very definite need in the lives of Chris­ tians today for Christian magazines such as TH E K IN G ’S BUSINESS. It is a good thing to have this magazine on the library table in the home, so that each member of the family may get the habit of reading a religious paper and may find therein the inspirational help which he needs. There are excellent sermons, edi­ torials, articles of religious trends with warnings, and

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