The Bible Family Magazine THE KING'S BUSINESS
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unday-school teachers of classes of all ages, and many other features found within the his magazine. TH E K IN G ’S 'BUSINESS id very helpful for every one of reading age, i certainly be in the' hands of those who live districts and who do not have the advantage ; Bible and missionary conferences.
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CHARLES E. FULLER , Direc tor, The Old-Fashioned Revival Hour, Los Angeles, Calif.
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World-Wide Influence lad to commend to my’ friends everywhere G ’S BUSINESS. For years it has come to bring blessing and inspiration. My file begins 1910, and in all the years of its publication id it true to the Scriptures and faithful in its the people of God. Its world-wide circulation le influence which this magazine has exerted : the gospel. May it continue to grow. R. S. BEAL, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Tucson, Ariz. 1MBER that THE KING’S BUSINESS $1.00 per year. 1 those who desire to order three or arly subscriptions, special reduced Group Organizers have been estab- ’rices will be mailed ’upon request jugh the accompanying coupon, nother feature at this holiday season ecial Combination Offer of a single bscription and one box of twelve beau- lbossed Christmas cards (retail price >r more), both for $1.25, in U. S.
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