November, 1941
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
in the English versions, there lies an unseen gap of time which already has extended over 1,900 years, our present age. But it may come to an end any moment. Golden Text Illustration 1 J o h n 4:14 “Papa,” asked a child who had been trying to catch a sunbeam, “is the big sun at the other end of the sunbeam?” “ Yes, dear.” ., “Then I’ve gotten hold of all the light and heat -there are, haven’t I ? ” “Yes, dear.” A little later the child 1 climbed to her father’s knee and whispered, “Is ,God at the other end just the same when we pray?" “Yes, dear.” “ Then,” mused the child, “I’ve gotten hold of all the power, haven’t I ? ” The marvel of this “gift” is that even a child can get hold of its light and power. God’s gift of Christ is a gift that transforms the world. If accepted, it will transform your life and mine.— A Modern Cyclopedia of Illustrations by Hallock. The First Christmas J o h n 1:1-18; I s a ia h 9:6, 7; L u k e 2:1-16 MEMORY VERSE: “Thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21). APPROACH: What day is coming very soon? Christmas is a day for giving gifts. Do you know why? Do you know what the first Christmas gift was? [John 3:16 quoted.] Christmas is very dear to our hearts because of God's great gift to men. LESSON STORY: We know the story of how the Lord Jesus came to earth
world needs Christ, won’t you take Him as your Saviour this morning? Then you can give Him to others. In the fun of Christmas, let us never forget the Christ of Christmas. When we hang gifts upon the tree, let us remember that God hung His Gift upon a tree for us, once long ago: It was still, oh very still, r. - Out on Calvary, When God hung His Christmas Gift, Christ, upqn the Tree. Now, when Christmas candles shine, Now, when Yule logs sing, Children, hush and bow the head Once— —remembering.
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a /H
Object Lesson Two T r e e s
o/ttime/ What a blessing to know your income from aWheaton Annuity is DEPENDABLE!
OBJECT: A paper tree. (Use a piece of paper 8% x 11 inches, or larger if necessary. Fold in the middle to the size of 8(4 x 5(4 inches. Fold each end to within (4 inch of the middle, making the size 8(4 x 3 inches. With the center fold and the two concealed free edges to the left, begin cutting (4 inch from the center fold, up 1 inch, making the trunk of the tree. From here cut to the right edge. One inch above the lower right corner cut to the upper left corner. When opened, you will have a whole tree in the center and a half tree on each side, hinged together at the bottom. At a point 3(4 inches from thé bottoms of the halves, cut out a rectangle, % of an inch wide and (4 inch deep from each half, to leave an opening in the shape of a cross. In the crossbar of the cross, print “CHRIST.” Near the top of the upright begin the word “OUR,” print ing down toward the crossbar. Below the crossbar, on the upright print ver tically the words “IS BORN.” Open the halves, and, using the word “OUR,” complete the words “TOYS, TRUCK, TRAIN.” Add “MAS” to “CHRIST,” making “CHRISTMAS.” Using the words “IS BORN,” complete thé words “ SHIPS, CARS, BALLS, DOLLS, POP CORN, CANDY.” Fold the halves be hind the tree.) LESSON: It is not hard to guess that this is a Christmas tree. We see written on it the names of things boys and girls often want at Christmas time. There is a danger at this season of the year that we may forget that Christmas does not méan the giving and receiving of gifts. Christmas is celebrated in honor of the coming of Christ.
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to be b o r n in Bethlehem ’s man ger. He was a won derful baby. There was never another like Him. One of the most wonderful things about Him was His name.. God Himself gave it to Him. H e s a i d ,
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“Thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21). His name has meaning: it means Saviour. It means that the Lord Jesus came into the world for a purpose—to die for our sins. When you think of that, don’t you feel like singing, “Jesus is the sweetest name I know” ? Because God gave His great gift to the world, we give gifts, too, at Christ mas time. What gifts are you going to give? Do you think the world still needs God’s gift? Wouldn’t you like to help to give Christ to the world? Of course we can’t give away anything wnich is not ours. If you thirds the
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