King's Business - 1941-11

November, 1941



In order that-we may better under­ stand, I will change this tree into a tree that will remind us of Christ. [Fold the halves over the front of the tree.] See, this tree makes us think of Christ,

for it says, "OUR CHRIST IS BORN.” In thinking of Christmas, let us never forget that the greatest thing to think about as we make our plans is the birthday of Christ, our Saviour.

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DECfeifBER 28, 1941 THE CHRISTIAN’S HOPE M atthew 25:31-46; J ohn 14:1-6; 2 C orinthians 5:1-10; 2 T imothy 4:6-8; 1 P eter 1 :3-9 ; R evelation 22:1-5

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Their daily expectation would he that He would come back to them; this was to be their momentary anticipation until the fulfillment of the promise. This is still the greatest hope of the church —the hope not merely that those who are redeemed shall inhabit the pre­ pared place that the Lord Jesus Christ has gene to make ready, but also that they shall see His face, hear His voice, and have fellowship with Him, the One they love. Hence, the imminent coming of our Lord (cf. I Thess. 4:13-18) is the true hope of all believers, whether they realize it or not, for His return is the very central truth of the com­ forting message of John 14—a portion which every believer accepts. II. ^T he P ath (John 14:5, 6) Thomas is to be admired, not for his unbelief certainly, but for His straight­ forwardness in asking the Lord for the information he wanted to have. “How can we know the way?” he asked. This question gave occasion for the Lord to utter one of the greatest truths that ever fell from His lips (vs. 6, 7). Jesus Himself is the way to the Father—the only way. He is not only a way-shower; He is The Way: He is also the Truth; there is no truth apart from Him. Moreover, He is the Life, because He is one with the Father. No one lives apart from Him, though there may be and is a mere existence which belongs to all the creation. By this astonishing word of His, our Lord condemns all men, and He answers the unscriptural teaching of the univer­ sal Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man. There can be no such relation­ ship, for it minimizes the essential Sav- iourhood of the Lord Jesus Christ, and apart from personal regeneration, no man has a right,to call God “Father.” In this utterance, the Lord Jesus also corrects the almost universal error of men’s thinking that they need only to he shown the way to goodness in order BLACKBOARD-LESSON .

John 14:1 Let not your h&art he trou­ bled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2 In my Father’» house are many man­ sions: if it were not «o, I would have told yon. I go to prepare a place lor you. S And if 1 go and prepare a place for you* I will come again, and receive you unto m yself; that Where 1 am, there ye may be also. * 4 And whither I go ye know, and the w ay ye know. 5 Thomas salth unto him, Lord, we know not whither, thon goest; and how can we know the way? 6 Jesus snith nnto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life : no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. ^ Revelation 22:1 And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crys­ tal, proceeding out *of the throne of God and of the Lamb. 2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded, her fruit every m onth: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. 3 And there shall be no more curse; bnt the throne of God and o f the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him : 4 And they shall see his face; and his name shall b

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is one of the surprising exhorta­ tions given by our L o r d. He uttered the words while knowing that,


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