King's Business - 1941-11

433 :READ THE BEST: IN CHRISTIAN LITERATURE Send for our catalog of publications, and reoeive free booklet, also. WESTERN BOOK & TRACT CO., Inc. Dr. H. A. Ironside , President 171« Franklin St. Oakland, Cali!. Phone VAndike 9483 ERICK PETERSON FIRST CLASS * SHOE REPAIRING 730 W. Sixth St. Los Angeles, Calif. Send for Folder and SPECIAL OFFER at low prices. Glassestl.00 Dozen. Tray ana 26glasses16.60up. Beautiful CHROMIUM-PLATED. Aluminum, Wood and Silver-plated Services. Collection & BreadPlates, Pastor’s Sick Outfits, etc. Thomas Communion Service, Box 1214 Lima, Ohio 5000 7VORKEES WANTED to sell Bibles, Testaments, good books, Scripture calendars, beautiful new mottoes, Scripture Greeting: Cards, Good commission. Send^for free catalog; and price list. GEORGE W. NOBLE, Publisher Dept. 7-C Monon Bldg:;, Chicago, 111. Cup s

November, 1941


me” (v. 1). There is some question here about the proper translation. The Greek verbs may be rendered either as indica­ tives (as the first is in the Authorized Version), or as imperatives (as in the American Revision). But regardless of the mood chosen, one thing is certain: We are to believe on Christ just as we would be.lieve on God. Therefore, if Christ be not God in the most absolute sense, then these words of His are the very height of blasphemy. But the words are not blasphemy, for it is God Himself who speaks in the person of the eternal Son. And the text is one of the many proofs that our Lord claimed to be God. “In my Father’s house” (v. 2). Surely these are good words. The Father, our Lord’s Father, has a “house,” a house which is to be our house. And the Greek word is “ oikia,” a term which refers not merely to the building, but also to the people who live there. See John 4:53, where the nobleman believed, “and his whole house.” The word is the same. In the English language, there are probably only about two words that can ade­ quately express the thought. One is “household,” but better yet is the word “ home.” I like to read John 14:2 thus, "In my Father’s home are many man­ sions.” Whatever else heaven may be, to 4.

to follow it. Man imagines that he can obey the dictates of his conscience, or act in sincerity of purpose, and so on, and be all right. These approaches are not “ the way.” Christ Himself is the only Way. As the Way, He is wholly sufficient, He is ever ready to be accepted, and is offered freely to all men for their acceptance by simple faith (cf. John 6:37; 3:16; 5:24, etc.). in. T he P lace (Rev. 22:1-5) There is not much told in the Bible concerning heaven, but enough is said to assure us that it is a literal place of great delight to those who inhabit it. It is to be a prepared place, with characteristics of its own. The tree of life will be there, always bearing fruit for the strengthening and healing of the nations, The throne of God and of the Lamb will be there, bespeaking divine sovereignty and the banishment of human rebellion forever. No distress will be allowed there, no defilement, nor anything contrary to the Lord’s holi­ ness. Earthly imperfections of every sort—physical, mental, psychical, spirit­ ual—will be done away, and perfect se­ curity and peace will prevail without end. There will be service without re­ gret, or weakness, or failure. May the Lord increase our joy as we contemplate the glories of the heavenly abode. Points and Problems 1. “Let not your heart be troubled” (John 14:1). Chapter divisions .some­ times obscure connections, especially in well-known passages. It is so here. Al­ though we have read this text many times, quite generally we overlook its occasion in chapter 13. The Lord had just announced His departure by way of Calvary, telling the disciples they could not follow Him now. That they understood He was talking about death is evident from Peter’s earnest question, “Lord, why cannot I follow thee now? I will lay down my life for thy sake” (v. 37). 2. Another very blessed fact should be noticed In this connection, which reveals our Lord’s tender regard for His own. Only a moment before, they had been eating together the Last Supper, and during that meal, we are told He was suddenly “ troubled in spirit” (13:21). It was not tlfat He feared the ordeal of physical death, but He had begun to sense the storm of eternal judgment which would soon break upon Him as the divine' Substitute for sinners, and His heart was sore with the knowledge that one of His own chosen disciples would betray Him. Yet, wonderful to relate, in that dark hour, when His own heart was "troubled,” He turned to His own and said, “Let not your heart be troubled.” Yes, His heart was troubled in order that our hearts might never be troubled by the dreadful' doom of death. S. “Ye believe in God, believe also in

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