King's Business - 1941-11



November, 1941

those who believe It will be "home.” How comforting to the heart that Is! Golden Text Illustration J ohn 14:2 When conversing with a very poor and much-afflicted believer in Dublin, a Christian visitor sought to comfort him by leaving with him the text, ‘‘In my Father’s house are many mansions” (John 14:2). , “ Stop a minute,” said the dying but happy sufferer. “That is a beautiful text, but there is one sweeter, ‘I will come again, and receive you unto my­ self.’ ”—1,000 Tales Worth Telling, by Pickering. At Home with Jesus J ohn 14:1-6; R evelation . 22:1-5 MEMORY VERSE: “In my Father’s house are many mansions. . . . I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2). APPROACH: Two women lived in the same town. The one had a beautiful home. The other lived in a small rented room. She had to go out to work, and one day a week she worked at the fine house of her friend. One day her friend said to her, “Jennie, it’s a shame for you to have to do this. I wish you had a lovely home, too.” Hut J e n n i e only s m i l e d and said, “My Beloved is building me a mansion.” Do you know what she meant? LESSON STORY: When the Lord Jesus went away to His Father’s house, He told His followers a beautiful secret. He said, “In my Father's house are many mansions. . . . I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2). He has been gone a long time, and we are anxious to see Him, but we can comfort ourselves, when we are lonely, by say­ ing, “He’s fixing up the house now; when it is all ready He will be back.” Some of us don’t have very nice houses down here, but why should we care, when we remember that soon we shall be “at home with Jesus” ? While we are' waiting, we can say with Jennie, “My Beloved is building me a mansion.” Sometimes we fix up our houses here for company, but company comes and goes. Who is it that really, lives in the house? The house belongs to the fam­ ily, doesn’t it? The guests may look at our things and use them for a time, but they really belong to us. Only the fam­ ily has the right to go all through the house and use every part of it. The Lord Jesus is not building mansions for guests; He is building them for a fam­ ily. If you don’t belong to God’s family, you won’t receive a mansion. Do you belong ? Do you want to ? Do you know how? How did you get into your father’s family? You were born there, 5 *Division

RALPHS HAS NOT SOLD OUT! A persistent runfior has it that Ralphs Gro­ cery Co. is owned or controlled by large East­ ern interests. I^othing could be farther from ¡Ip ! truth. Since 1873, Ralphs markets have been and ARE a* 100% Southern California organization, o:\vr.ed and operated solely by the Ralphs farrn1’-

weren’t you? The Lord Jesus said if you want to get into God’s family, “ Ye must be bom again.”

MONEY FOR YOUR TREASURY! Organizations, schools. Lodges, Clubs m ak» money easily selling HANDY W A C K s H ang-up Waxed Paper and pther popular household items. Write today for FRE E catalog and interest­ ing information. HANDY WACKS CORF., Sparta, Mich. GOSPEL TENTS CANVAS TABERNACLES METAL SEAT ENDS SMITH MFG. GO., DALTON, OA. 40 Years in Bnsinesg THE GOSPEL EXTENSION LEAGUE OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (Non-Sectarian) A department pi utrace Church and Bible Center, Pasadena, California Invites Correspondence from people who desire to have Bible Classes or Evangelistic Meetings, especially in neglected fields. Doctrinally sound Bible teachers and evan­ gelists -will gladly meet, your need. Write to MAURICE PARKINSON STOUTE, D. D. 2480 Oneida Street Pasadena, Calif. r U D I C T M O C m u sic an $ V llI lllJ 1 I tm I m program helps “ Christmas Carol Coll.” (16 useful numbers) 10c; “ The Infant King” (carols and short de­ votional exercise) 10c; “ Christmas Recita­ tions and Program Helps,” 25c; One each of, the three, 40c, postpaid. S. S. and Choir music catalog included Free GEO. Q. ROSCHE & CO. 337 W. Madison St. Chicago, Illinois CHRISTMAS POST CARDS with reproduction of masterpieces. Por per­ sonal use or distribution. Ideal for handing out in S. S. classes; 10c .per dozen; 75c per 100. Also special Chrlstnias tracts, 35c per 100. Order early to avoid delay. FAITH, PRAYER and TRACT LEAGUE Dept. K.B. Muskegon Heights, Mich.

S adness T urned to G ladness OBJECT: A piece of paper 7x21 in­ ches. (Fold 3% inches from each end, making the size 7x14% inches. Fold each end 3% inches nearer the middle, making the size 7x7%. Now fold Sec­ tions 1 and 3 tightly against Section 2, and you win find that they will lack % inch of meeting each other. The por­ tion of these flaps that contacts Sec­ tion 2 should be red, and the remainder yellow. In the % inch space, write the word “HEAVEN,” beginning near the top and printing toward the bottom. Open the flaps, and using the individual letters in the word “HEAVEN,” com­ plete the following words: “HOME, BROKEN, HEARTACHE,. LEAVING, LOVED, ONES.” Close the flaps (Sec­ tions 1 and 3) and fold half of each loose front flap (Sections 4 and 5) towarcj the center, leaving % inch be­ tween them. On these folded flaps, using the word “HEAVEN,” complete the words “HOME, ETERNAL, HAP­ PINESS, LOVED, o n e s ; UNITED.” At the beginning of the lesson have all flaps folded in back.) LESSON: On this piece of paper you find a common idea of death. We read, “Home broken, heartache, leaving loved ones.” The Christian, by faith, sees death differently. We will fold these two red panels, which speak of Christ’s redeem­ ing blood, over the sad words, and see what happens. They are changed from sad words to a glad word, “HEAVEN.” We now see yellow panels suggesting the golden streets of heaven. A person’s being a Christian makes the difference between sadness and gladness. But this is not all. If^we fold the top panel again, we find these words, “HOME E T E R N A L, HAPPINESS. LOVED ONES UNITED.”- Death is but a door into a better life for , those who are Christians. The disciples of Christ were sad when they knew He was soon to leave them, hut He said, “Let not your heart be troubled': ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” We should never forget that death, for the Christian, is only a door which turns sadness to gladness.

Profit for You in Speeding Spiritual Defenses. See Pages 428 and 429

Y OU R OPPORTUNITY Christian Service plus Income, above average. Openings, Tull or part time, for Christian men and women right in your own community. Those qualified offered promotion as organizer with some travel.. Minister earned in July $340.00; young S. S. teacher, $275.00. Write today for FREE booklet “ A Business Opportunity Plus,” John Rudin & Company Inc. 1018 South Wabash Ave., Dept. Sit, Chicago, Oh


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