THE) K I N O ' S B U S I N E S S
November, 1941
anity, repeating all of the lies and half« truths' the devil is using against the Jew today. While these falsehoods should . be met with facts, anti-Semitism is not responsive to treatment with facts be cause it is in the area of the emotions, the feelings, not of the intellect. After answering their, questions, I left them ■ with this remark: “Regardless of what the Jew is, that' does not justify you in being anything but Christian in your attitude and relations: with him. Only by being Christian, will you win the Jew to Christ.” ’ .Especially is this true of the refugee, who is so keenly sen sitive to prejudice and responsive to Christian love. The Christian’s Obligation to the Refugee It is not what they are, but what we are, that should concern us. If we fail to be Christian, we shall cease to be Christian. He who hugs hatred to his heart will certainly he destroyed by it. "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Gal. 6:7). No man can- dislike Christ’s people after the flesh and love Jesus. ' Masatyk has written, ■“He who looks up to Jesus as his Master cannot be anti-Semitic. You must be either one thing or the other, and if you are a Christian, you ciannot be an anti-Semite:” In winning the refugee to Christ, there must be the love of Christ in our hearts constraining us. That love will find expression in personal friendship, which is a mutual interchange, .and there is much the refugee can give us. He has suffered deeply and thought much. That love will be made known in helping him to get a job and seeking -to provide for his physical needs. That love will be expressed in prayer and in the giving of appropriate tracts Every one who comes to me with his problem 1 is given to understand that we are fac ing it with Christ, that we cannot solve it in our own strength; always we pray about it together, j Many of the Christian refugees and practically all of the other German refugees have little Bible background. Yet they are greatly Interested in learn ing more about this Book. In Chicago there is a class on the North Side and another on the South Side, the sections of the city where most of the refugees live. Others are attending Bible classes in local churches. Bible classes provide one of the best means of presenting the gospel. Let us help our newcomer friend to find his place among us. To find his place in the plan of God, redeemed by the blood of Christ, is first. To help him find his home, his job, his friends, his place in witnessing to others for Christ, all this, we can do. He will not find his place until he has found his place in Christ and in Christ’s church.
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be converted into a School for Bible Training. ChristianDoctrineCourse 52 studies of -What the Bible Teaches, freshly written, with an inspiring lesson for each week.' Send 15c fo r current issue C pirpf Book catalogue, or samples of sound ■ ■ SundaySchoolpapersandquarterlies. HRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS. INC 1562 N. Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. WILL THE REFUGEE FIND CHRIST IN AMERICA ? [Continued from. Page 415] outside the church, unfortunately; and is even promoted by some who consider themselves evangelical Christians. A woman physician who had practiced in Germany told me recently that before Hitler came to power there was not th e. anti-Semitism in Germany that there is in America now. Whenever she went to church, she was accepted as a Christian and no one thought of her as being a jew . In the church; as a. whole there was neither race prejudice nor race con sciousness. Whenever she goes, into an American church, however, she usually feels that she is being classified as a Jew. Not long ago I spoke to a women’s society of one of our largest and most evangelical churches with regard to the church and the refugee. In the course of my address I made the statement, “One cannot he Christian and at the same time be anti-Semitic,” and as proof cited Galatians 3:28 and Ephesians 2:15- 17. As soon as the benediction was pro nounced, those women were around the table, affirming their dislike for the Jews and at the same time their Christi 1941
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