King's Business - 1941-11

T H E K I N G ’ S BU S I N E S S


November, 1941


force it upon them. No one will under­ stand the Scriptures unless he actually longs to learn their meaning. Mention individuals who have had this yearning for God’s Word, and note the results that followed: Jeremiah (Jer. 15:16); The Psalmist (Psa. 119:20, 97, 98); Job (Job 23:12), Martin Luther, etc. II. ATTENTION TO IT (Neh. 8:3-). “The p e o p l e were attentive” --and please note that theirs was not a twenty-minute church service, either! What constitutes attention ? Contrast the attention that a person would give if he heard two docyments read: (1) the Bible, during some regular Sunday worship hour; and (2) a will, naming him as an heir to a fortune! The Bible continually urges one to alertness; why (cf. Psa. 78:1; 1 Cor. 16:13; Col. 4:2; Rev.-2«29)? III. RESPECT FOR IT (Neh. 8:5). “All the people stood up.” By what practices do you honor and revere the Word? Why is there need for this reverence (2 Pet. 1:21; Psa. 138:2)? IV. RESPONSE TO IT (Neh. 8:6-9). First, there was an audible assent: “all the people answered, Amen, Amen . . (v. 6); then there was an evidence of heart conviction: “all the people wept, when they heard the words of the law” (v. 9), and finally, there was ac­ tion, prescribed by the word that they had believed (Neh. 8:12 to 9:3). The dwelling in booths (v. 14) was in com­ memoration of Israel’s deliverance from the bondage of Egypt (Lev. 23:42, 43). V. NOBILITY THROUGH IT (Acts 17:10-12). The Berean believers did two things: They “received the word with all readi­ ness of mind,” and they “searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” They followed this method probably for just one reason: To under­ stand the Word of God. But they re­ ceived more than an understanding of the truth they studied; 4hey came to have also a certain personal nobility of character that could come in no other way! Moreover, the example of their studious attention to the Word made them helpful to other less mature Chris­ tians. Are the young people of your society among the “nobility,” in this sense ? DECEMBER 21, 1941 “ THERE IS ROOM IN MY HEART FOR THEE” 1 L u k e 2:1-19; E p h e s ia n s 3:17 Introduction Rich and poor, educated and ignorant, Jew and Gentile—every person from every walk of life stands in need of the Saviour. At His birth, there were drawn together a number of these varying classes of humanity. Even in the brief

America’s leading line of CHRISTIAN FICTION ($1.00 each) for young people. Forty „titles by Paul Hutchens, Bertha B. Moore, David P. Allison, Edith Peder-' sen, Ann Harvey, Ella M. Noller, etc. BOOKS FOR CHILDREN (50c each) Stories by Hutchens, Moore, Bechtel, etc. The CHILD'S STORY BIBLE ($3.00) by Catherine Vos, the new favorite in Bible Story books for Home and School, as charming as it is sound in its conception. Illustrated. BOOKS BY RIMMER, WUEST, LOVELESS and many other Fundamental authors, all at popular prices,. as well as the foremost line of STANDARD SETS AND COMMENTARIES: The International Standard Bible Encyclo­ pedia, The Expositor's Bible, The Expositor’s Greek Testament, Systematic Theology by Hodge, Expositions of Holy Scripture by Maclaren. TIandfuls on Purpose by Smith, The Life ana Times of Jesus the Messiah by Edersheim, The J. F. & B. Commentary, Scnilder Trilogy, etc. SEND FOR OUR NEW COMPLETE CATALOG WM. B. EERDMANS PUBLISHING CO. 234 Pearl St. Grand Rapids, Mich. SmmunionWareofQuali! B est M aterials, i. FINEST W orkmanship ULUMINLXor S ilver plate Tndivic/uaVf .'1 / '7 %iç/*sse£* Lowest P rices . Senti fo r Illustrated Catalog INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICE CO Room 356 1701"1703 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,ft» FOUR GREAT BOOKS By Mrs. Charles E. Cowman STREAMS IN THE DESERT, For inspiration ................ 1.50 ppd. SPRINGS IN THE VALLEY, For devotion 1.50 ppd. * CONSOLATION, For comfort 1.50 ppd. CHARLES E. COWMAN, Biography, For missionary zeal..................$1.00 ppd.

WITH UNDERSTANDING N e h e m ia h 8:1-9; A cts 17:10-12 Introduction “I can’t understand the Bible! It is all so confusing. And there are so many contradictions in it.” (Perhaps some young person you know has made similar comments, and a dialogue like the following may have helped to open his eyes. The conver­ sation, if carefully and prayerfully pre­ pared in advance of the meeting, may be an effective introduction to the evening’s discussion.- It may be easily amplified.) “Do you understand what'John 3:16 means ?” “Oh, yes, that’s clear enough.” “ Could you quote the verse?” (He repeats the passage glibly.) “I can see that you know the words perfectly. Now may I ask you: ,Did you ACT on the proposition that the verse presents, as soon as you understood what it meant ? In other words, did you believe and receive eternal life?” “Well, if you put it that way, I don’t suppose I ever have.” “You will never understand the Word of God unless you receive, first of all, the Lord Jesus Christ. But since all the Book is about Him, and every verse points in some way to Him, you may begin anywhere. What you need to do, then, is to follow John Ruskin’s good advice: ‘Study the Bible; make it your first daily business to. understand some portion of it, and make it your business the rest of the day to obey what you understand.’ No one ever grasped all the truth of the Word of God in one reading—or in one hundred, for that matter. But obedience is the only key to fuller understanding.” For Those Who Have Topics The passages assigned for this meet­ ing introduce us to two groups of peo­ ple who found understanding in the reading of the Word of God. The steps by which they gained that understand­ ing are given clearly, and they.may form an outline for the evening’s medi­ tation. I. DESIRE FOR THE WORD (Neh. 8 : 1 ). Notice that it was the people who took the initiative in asking for the Word of God; the preacher did not

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