King's Business - 1941-11

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

November, 1941


1. Submission to the will of God (Lk. 1:38). 2. Praise to God (Lk. 1:46-55). 3. Meditation on the things of Christ (Lk. 2:19). 4. Identification with Christ in His death (John 19:25). IV. IS THERE ROOM IN THE HEART OF A WORKMAN? The shepherds can represent that vast army of men and women whose daily tasks are devoid of glamor and distinc­ tion. But they made “room” for Christ by accepting joyfully the good news of the Saviour’s birth. 1. They believed (Lk. 2:15). 2. They acted on their convictions (v. 16). 3. They testified (v. 17). V. IS THERE ROOM IN THE HEART OF A CHRISTIAN? To be a Christian at all, one must have admitted the Lord Jesus Christ to his heart (John 1:12; cf. Col. 1:27). But is He reigning there, unhindered in even the smallest matters (Rom. 12:1) ? Has He the preeminence in all things (Col. 1:18)? Suppose a beloved elder brother were coming to your home. How thoroughly you would prepare the whole house to give him welcome! Perhaps there would be some part of the premises that you never had shared with him before—a cozy nook, a new porch, a room freshly furnished. Would you not long to show him these favorite places, and to make him feel particularly at home there, as well as in the whole house? Will you not do the same for the Lord Jesus this Christmas time? While you never can make your heart suitable for His pres­ ence—He must do that Himself with His own purifying, hallowing presence —you can experience a joy that you have never had before if you will give Him all of your heart.

list of persons which the assigned Scrip­ tures suggest (arid many others might be added), each of us probably will find himself or herself represented. Seek to make the meeting personal and heart­ searching. Use in some way the entire hymn, “Room for Thee,” * from which the subject for the meeting has been taken. It is one of the most beautiful selections for which the gifted Ira D. Sankey wrote the music. Perhaps'. a good soloist or quartet could sing a verse—with several joining in the an­ swering chorus—as an introduction to each of the questions that form the outline for the evening’s discussion. For Those Who Have Topics I. IS THERE ROOM IN THE HEART OF A RULER? Two prominent leaders are mentioned in the verses for today’s lesson, Caesar Augustus and Cyrenius, governor of Svria (Lk. 2:1, 2). Though they played an important part in the outworking of • the Lord’s plan, there is no record that either one came to trust in the Saviour, personally. How much they missed! Name some God-fearing rulers whose influence for righteousness has extended' far. What is the Christian’s duty to­ ward those in authority (Rom. 13:1-7) ? II. IS THERE ROOM IN THE HEART OF A JEW? Joseph was a Jew, a descendant of King David (Lk. 2:4, 5; Matt. 1:6, 16, 20). In the Lord’s dealing with him there are indications of the method of Jehovah’s dealing with the Jewish peo­ ple as a whole. 1. The Lord gave a message peculiar- lv for him (Matt. 1:20; compare prom­ ises made specifically to Israel: 2, Sam. 7:10;, 1 Ki. 9:1-9). 2. The Lord required his obedience, and Joseph gave it (Matt. 1:24; Matt. 2:13, 14; cf. Israel’s disobedience: Ex. 20:3; cf. 32:1-8; 1 Ki. 11:9-13, 29-39; cf. 12:25-33). 3. The Lord worked all things for his ultimate good and God’s glory (Lk. 2:19-21; cf. the promises to Israel, still to be fulfilled: Zech. 8:7, 8, 22, 23). One of the striking developments of the present time is the awakened in­ terest of the Jews in the fact of Mes­ siah’s coming. In the hearts of many there is, for the first time, “room” for the Lord Jesus. Bring in proof of this fact, found in such thrilling articles as “Are the Jews Turning to Christ?” by Bartlett L. Hess,- Sunday School Times, issue of May 3, as well as the one on page 414 of this present issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS, m . IS THERE ROOM IN THE HEART OF A WOMAN? Making “room” for Christ in her life« required, in Mary: *In Gospel Hymns, Nos. 1 to 6 Complete, and other hymn books.

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