King's Business - 1941-11



November, 1941

H. USING THE YEAR FOR WHOLE­ SOME FORGETFULNESS. “Forgetting those things which are behind” (V. 13). Looking back to for­ mer attractions is likely- -to end in our going back to them (Gen. 19:17, 26; Lk. 9:62). There must be also a for­ getfulness of personal grievances (Matt. 5:44). There is, on the other hand, a sense, in which we are to “remember” the past—recognizing the Lord’s deal­ ings with us, and looking forward to His future, purpose (Deut. 8:2-7, 10, 11). The Christian’s look is to be pri­ marily forward and upward (Heb. 12:2). m . USING THE YEAR FOR EN­ LARGING HORIZONS. “Reaching forth unto those things which are before” (v. 13), New avenues are ever opening for 'witnessing for Christ; name some of them and how they may be entered. 1. Many communities are faced with a great influx of defense workers or soldiers from neighboring encampments. What can your group do to reach them with a clear-cut witness for Christ? 2. There is an awakened sense of the need for systematically grounding young Christians in the Word of God, that they “may grow thereby” (1 Pet. 2:2, 3) and may have truly powerful testi­ monies for Christ, thereby winning others. 3. A number of publishers of tracts are utilizing the best of modem adver­ tising and printing technique in prepar­ ing attractive and effective leaflets. In showing samples, be careful to choose tracts that really give the gospel. IV. USING THE YEAR FOR DEVEL­ OPING PERSISTENCE. “I press on toward the goal . . .” (v. 14, R. V.). The picture is that of a runner in a race (cf. 1 Cor. 9:25-27; Heb. 12:1), and it is easy to make spiritual application. Study the refer­ ences to persistence found in the Word and mention the value of each (1 Thess. 5:16, 17; Eph. 6:18; Matt. 18:21; 2 Tim. 4:2; Heb. 12:3). • For the Leader “A new heart also will I give you, and a neW spirit will I put within you” (Ezek. 36:26). God has never asked any one to turn over a new leaf. At the beginning of every new year when man sighs for a clean slate, and when he determines to “turn over a new leaf,” the Word of the Lord comes with increased meaning, "I will give new life.” There is something with­ in us that strives for attainment, but God offers His perfect plan of atone­ ment. The world says, “We must do better this year. We will try!” The Lord Jesus, with the scars of Calvary on His hands and feet and brow and side, pleads, “It is done! Trust Me!” —The Pilot.

open Air Meeting m New York with Mr, Aston speaking HELP REACH THE JEW S for CHRIST! Never before has there been such opportunity to bring the Gospel of'Jesus Christ to the Jews. Of the 2,000,000 Jews In New York City, many are Hebrew Christian refugees from Europe. A large responsibility for the evangelization of these Jews rests with the New York Jew­ ish Evangelization Society, founded in 1908 by the sainted Dr. Thomas M. Chalmers. W e need your s ifts and prayerful cooperation to enable us to procure more missionaries to carry on this important evangelistic work. Send for our monthly ‘.‘Jewish Missionary Magazine.’* Yearly subscription $1. Sample copy 10c N f w Y O R K J E W I S H E V A N G E L I Z A T I O N S O C I E T Y Reyv Frederick A.Aiston> iJDirectpr •V 56 Second Av^nùe%' Ne'W,;YòrÌcf 'N;Y. Light From Bible Prophecy Byr Louis S. Bauman, D. D.

DECEMBER 28, 1941 THE GIFT OF A NEW YEAR P h ie ip p ia n s 3:13-16 Introduction We like to be prompt in saying “thank you” to those who have given us gifts. -We know we would be c o n s i d e r e d thoughtless and rude if we failed in this courtesy. What about .the gifts that God has given; have we said “thank you” to Him for them? The following are only a few of His inany benefits to us: 1. The gift of eternal life (John 10:- 28). 2. The gift of peace (John 14:27). 3. The gift of understanding of the Scriptures (Matt. 13:11; 1 Cor. 2:12). 4. The gift of shepherd care (John 10:11-14). .5. The gift of wisdom (Jas. 1:5). 6. The gift of one’s heart’s desires (Psa. 37:4). • . 7. The gift of all things in Christ (Rom. 8:32). Let the members of the group imag­ ine that these gifts, each beautifully wrapped, have come to them this Christ­ mas. How would each recipient word his “ thank you” to the Giver? Most gifts are meant to be used. The outline which follows offers answers to the question: How will I use God’s gift of a New Year? For Those Who Have Topics I. USING THE YEAR FOR SPIRIT­ UAL g r o w t h . “I count not myself to have appre­ hended?—or “to have laid hold” (Eph. 3:13, R. V.). When the Lord Jesus Christ became our Saviour, He “laid hold” of us for a definite purpose (v. 12, R. V.). That purpose is attained in us only as we make daily adjustments to His will (vs. 8-10). How much room there is for progress here!

Based upon a series of articles that appeared In The Sunday School Times, during the cataclys­ mic events that have been . taking place in the world since the autumn of 1989. The author, one of .the .most widely known teachers in the field of Prophecy, interprets startling world , events in the light of Scriptural teaching. He points to contemporary signs of our Lord’s early return, and supports his statements with a wealth of material gathered from history, observation, experience, and study of Scriptures. Cloth binding, 169 pages—$1.00 postpaid« ALAN S. PEARCE 1985 E, 5th St., Dept. K, Long Beach, California “ OBJECT TALKS” 20 bright talks to boys and girls illus­ trated by familiar objects. “Talks on Texts” 20 Children’s Sermons. Illustrated by laminating illustrations. “ Paper Tearing Talks”

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