King's Business - 1941-11


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

November, 1941

T H E B E T H E L M I S S I O N of Eastern Europe 2223 Monroe Street, N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota RUIN or RELIEF?

Working through the hardest trials What is best for you! •—Selected. 27. Not Left Alone “There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God” (Heb. 4:9). If this were our rest, it would be sad; but it is not, and sometimes we may have need that He should make us feel it. But there remains a rest for the people of God. We belong to that, to the new creation. But He has eome down into the old, that we may know that He does not leave us alone in it—and He is our portion in both. . —J. N. Darby. 28. Deliverance from Evil “Oh that thou wouldest bless me in­ deed, . . . and that thou wouldest keep me from evil” (1 Chron. 4:10), Within a considerable range, we can cut ourselves off from known and pre­ ventable temptation, commanding; our eyes not to look at evil, not to trifle with the sensuous till it becomes the sensual. But all these are but fences around the secret,' or avenues up to it. The secret is the Wonder-Worker Him­ self, trusted, welcomed in, summoned by the soul, to be the conquering and liberating presence in its great need, and in its depths.—Durham. 29. Bearing His Name “The Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel” (Acts 9:15). The four words, “to bear my name,” are packed with power. Surely no phrase could more exactly or emphati­ cally epitomize the true task of a min­ ister. or a missionary than this. When the day is dark, the heart heavy, and the road rough, remember wherever you are that you are a bearer of the Name. . . . Thrones may tumble, kings may topple into the dust, kingdoms rise and wane, but that Name forever shall endure.—Walter Hughes. 30. Time to Pray “But so much the more went abroad the report concerning him: and great multitudes came together to hear, and to be healed of their infirmities. But he withdrew himself in the deserts, and prayed” (Lk. 5:15, 16, R. V.). Some men are so busy that they find no time for prayer. Apparently the busier Christ’s life was, the more He prayed. Sometimes He Mad no time to eat; sometimes He had no time for needed rest and sleep; but He always took time to pray. And the more the work crowded, the more He prayed. . . . Let us never forget that the more the work presses on us, the more time must we spend ln prayer.—R, A. Torrey.

Mrs. Leon 1. Rosenberg NAZISM caused RUIN and DEVASTATION in the invaded countries; but INCOMPARABLE is the plight of the MILLIONS of JEWS there be­ cause of INHUMAN HOSTILITIES and CRUSH­ ING ATROCITIES to which they are subjected. Driven from their homes and business, confined in GHETTOS and deprived of means of liveli­ hood, they are exposed to STARVATION. Spiritu­ ally benighted without THE GOSPEL—THE LIV­ ING HOPE, they are in utter despair. “ Is there NO BALM in GILEAD?” Is there NO HELP for those starving masses and PERISHING CHILDREN? Rev. Leon t. Rosenberg OUR CHRISTIAN RELIEF w® Bwhoi?L. ^ IJ ? ON °.f EASTERN EUROPE. Inc., (founded by Pastor and Mrs. Leon X. Rosen- GOSPEL r TPH'TO1AiT^lireXiten5, “ 'S I J ° years ln Rlissia and in other Mission fields) is the ONLY JEWISH ."..‘i f ,PARIi„ ? nd„ STOR® SEA of NAZISM for the so gravely afflicted JLVVi&Jd MILLIONS, to fulfill its EVANGELICAL TASKS of: • —BREAKING the BREAD of LIFE to the famished souls of old a,nd young. • ihSfif1«?* HOtraEHOLD™ p ! ith EED su fferin g and STARVING,-especially among boy3Aa‘nJtiH sNG an ORPHANAGE and CHILDREN'S HOME for Hebrew Christian and other destitute THE BETHEL MISSION Is a faith work. fiSdRasPwâlYfsR?nathde horneTa*™1' ar* BARNESTLY COVETED for all its activities on the foreign WBnd™pSnRequlistTNESS'' Wlth cummt news irom the MISSION FIELD, is freely sent to every HEADQUARTERS: 2223 Monroe Street, N. E., Minneapolis, Minnesota.

away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray” (Matt. 14:23), Every form of Christian service which brings us into contact with crowds . . . must be sustained by solitary commun­ ion with God. dur Lord had been pained by the worldly conceptions of the multitudes and the disciples. . . . He wanted something to allay excite­ ment and to still the atmosphere. He knew where to find it. He shows us where we can find it, too. We can find peace and calm and rest in the place of prayer.—A. W. Parsons. 25. Man’s Natural Heart “From within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts” (Mk. 7:21). The Bible pictures in no uncertain manner the inborn sinfulness of man. The picture is not a pleasant one, and yet every honest, sineere individual must admit that the portrayal is accurate. Who is there that has not experienced the stirrings of the poisonous serpent of evil thinking? The only power that can keep the thoughts true and pure is the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. —Milo F. Jamison. Wait! “Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribu­ lation” (Rom. 12:12). God’s delays are not denials; He has heard your prayer; He knows all about your trials, Knows your every care. God’s delays are not denials; Help is on the way; He is watching o’er life’s dials, Bringing forth the day. God’s delays are not denials; You will find Him true, 26.

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Clergy Clothing, Cassocks


p u r r TO ANY e v a n g e l ic a l AlUlIl CHRISTIAN MINISTER, Sunday School or Missionary Superintend­ ent, one copy of “A Spiritual Light Switch” for each family -in his .congregation, pro­ viding he will agree t o ' give a talk on Tithing before distribution. W rite stat­ ing denomination and number of leaflets desired to T ITH ER , T21K Title Insurance B ld g., L os A n g eles, C alif,

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