. 445
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
November, 1941
H e r e ' s a B o o k Y o u M U S T R e a d ! "the END" RE-THINKING THE REVELATION by Norman n B. Harrison. 4-Color Chart Diagrams Outlines Unique, Original Treatment • “ The most important prophetic book in recent years.”-—BooJc Critic . 240 Pages $1.50 T H E H A R R I S O N S E R V I C E 3 112 Hennepin Are. Minneapolis Order Today A M E R I C A— MEET THE CHALLENGE! The need Is Imperative — evangelize our boys and girls now. Use F E L T O G R A P H Wessons and cutouts specially designed to attract boys and girls and win them to
FAMILY CIRCLE [ Continued from Page 422]
Natalie Romàns, ’24, 611% N. Ken- more Ave., Los Angeles, Calif., recently has been at work in Oregon organizing Eteri and Euodia Clubs there, using graduates of the Bible Institute of Los Angeled.' as teachers of these Bible clubs for young women and high-scjiool girls. She reports good results, and many clubs organized throughout Ore gon. Evangelistic Meetings Harry 6. Anderson, ’15, Vice Presi dent of the Northern Baptist Theologi cal Seminary, Chicago, 111., and Direc tor pf the Spiritual Recovery Movement, has been experiencing much blessing in various evangelistic meetings as well as in two great youth conferences where he and Mrs. Anderson saw 150 high school students confess Christ. He also visited Army camps along the Pacific coast and rejoiced in this door for reaching young men for Christ. * In October Dr. Anderson led a union city-wide campaign in which fourteen churches of Superior, Wis., participated. His-recent and future engagements have been scheduled as follows: Oct. 13— Northern! California Baptist Conven tion, San José, Calif.; Oct. 14 to 17— Southern California Baptist Convention, Santa Barbara, Calif.'; Oct. 17 to 27-— First Baptist Church, 75th Anniversary* San Bernardino, Calif.; Nov. 2 to 10— Trinity Baptist Church, Los Angeles, Calif.; Nov. 16 to "24—United Youth Crusade of nine East Bay Baptist churches, Oakland, Calif. Meetings will be held in the Swedish Church, Mel rose and Tenth Ave., closing with a Sunday rally in the civic auditorium); Nov. 28 to Dec. 8—Westminster Presby terian Church, Fresno, Calif.; Jan. 4 to 12—Los Angeles,- Calif.; Jan 18 to 26 —Lake St. Baptist Church, Glendale, Calif. Married Roy L. McKaughan, ’41, and Betty O’Dell, Sept. 14, Canoga Park, Calif. Donald A. Barnes (formerly. Donald A. Maltbie) and Maybelie Elaine Daniel son, Aug. 30, Monrovia, Calif. Jitsuo Morikawa, ’33, and Hazel Takii, Sept. 21, Los Angeles, Calif. Herman Peter Schmann and Elizabeth F. Dawson, Aug. 16, Berkeley, Calif. Eugene Smith and Dorothy B. Heil man, Oct. 5, Oakland, Calif. Herman H. Warkentin, B. Sac. Mus. ’39, and Beatrice Koop, Sept- 25, Enid, Okla. Mr. Warkentin has been attend ing Tabor College, Hillsboro, Kan., and he and Mrs. Warkentin are now eh*. rolled at Westmont College, Los An geles. Calif.
f S V s s S S s
Send for folder. 2746 Angus Street
Los Angeles, Calir.
Finest quality assorted colored No. , 2 grade lead ^pencils in beautiful Christmas Boxes, each pencil imprinted in large golden letters with in-, dividual’s name as illustrated. One name to ^ • 19 No. «—box of six.................................................,....i.:iO-rlO or more boxes ».«0 No. 12—box of twelve ... 3_______—----------------».SO—10 or more boxes ».35 - Postpaid to your address. Order today. , Advertising Pencil Company, Walbrook, S. Baltimore, Md» .
Please See Pages 428 and 429. God Has Not Forgotten Our workers in the war areas write us: “We thank God for His protection, but we are hard off materially. We would like to get some lard, bacon, sardines, sugar, condensed milk, dried fruit, soups and meats in cans . . . We have forgot ten how some of* these things taste . . . It would be a great joy to receive them.” It is possible to send small packets to Europe. A dollar from you would help us to buy some food and send it to the “ Saints-in-need” in the war zones. Do not delay—they are waiting to see that God has not forgotten them. Send all donations to the Russian Missionary Society, Inc. Miss, M. Fetler, Secretary 1844 W. Monroe St., Room 2, Chicago, 111. Ask for our Bulletin .■ Money for Your Treasury Over 1,500,000 Sunflower Dishcloths were sold in 1940 by member of Sunday Schools, Ladies’ Aids, Young People’s Groups, etc. Finest quality cloths. They enable you to earn money for your treasury and make frie ds for IJI your organization. Sample Free to Official Sangamon Mills— Est. 1 9 1 5 - Cohoes, N. Y.
Bom To Dr. J. Kenneth (’32) and Mrs. Altig, a daughter, Amy Charline, Sept. 5, Long Beach, Calif. To Stanley and Mrs. Anderson (Bone- vieve Rood), a daughter, Gayle Virginia, Sept. 1, Glendale, Calif. To Arvid F. X’39) and Mrs. Carlson, a daughter, Linda Arlene, June 6, Glen dale, Calif. ■To Noble and Mrs. Crawford, a daugh ter, Mary Joanna, Aug. 30, Hollywood, Calif. To Donald (’41) and Mrs. Davis (’41), a daughter, Donna Louise, Sept. 9, Los Angeles, Calif. To Richard (B. Th. ’38) and Mrs. Dil- worth (Florence Wessel, ’39)," a daugh ter,' Joan Elizabeth, Sept. 27, Mwanza, Tanganyika, E. Africa. To Ralph (’38) and Mrs. Kraft (Dor othy Wight), twin sons, Daryl Douglas and Gerald Clinton, Sept. 27, Ontario, Calif. To Paul (’35) and Mrs. Kuhlmann (Helene Schroeder, ’34), a daughter, Grace Marie, Sept. 21, Newton, Kans. To Chester J. (B. Th. ’40) and Mrs.' Padgett (Vivian E. Clem, ’40), a son, John Howard, Oct. 7, Los Angeles, Calif. To John E. (B. Th. ’39) and Mrs. Ryan (Erma Altergott, ’35),. a son, John Edward, Jr., Aug. 30, Denver, Colo. To Charles E. and Mrs. Simmons (litta Mae Moore, ’36), a son, Charles Lee. Oct. 1. Los Angeles. Calif
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