King's Business - 1941-11

» H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

November, 1941



SELECT DEVOTIONAL BOOKS Daily Reading God’s W ord fo r Today . .H a lle s b y ...........$1.00 My U tmost fo r H is H ighest, C ham bers.. 2.00 Streams in the Desert . . . C o w m a n .... 1.50 Springs in the V alley . . . Cow.manY... 1.50 Cut From the L oaf . . . Jas. M. G r a y ... 1.50 P recious B ible P rom ises..................................... 50 THE PRAYER PERFECT An outstanding exposition o f the L ord ’s P rayer by Dr. H arry R imm er'.. . . . . . . 1.25 THE BEST LOVED RELIGIOUS POEMS Compiled by James G ilchrist L a w so n ... 1.75 THE ART OF LISTENING TO GOD There is a wealth o f suggestion, witness and counsel regarding the many p h a s e s and angles of Christian living. By Samuel M. Z w e m e r ................................. 1.50 FILLED! WIThf THE SPIRIT

CHOICE CHILDREN’S BOOKS SUGAR CREEK GANG SERIES By Paul Hutchens, 50t* each, ages 8 to 14.. Sugar Creek Gang, W e K illed a Bear. Further Adventures of the Sugar Creek Gang THE CHILDREN’S LAMP A large book with colored picture Bible verses which enable the child to memorize easily, accompanied by short,, instructive stories By Margaret L ivingston H ill........................ 75 c EGERMEIER’S BIBLE STORY BOOK A new Bible story every night for 254 nights, more than 200 beautiful pictures, 17 fu ll-page color reproductions, H oly Land scenes, se lf­ pronouncing ....................................................... $2.00 STANDARD BIBLE STORY READERS By Lillie A. Faris A charm ing series of six graded Bible read­ ers for children in the home, school, and the church. Illustrated. Blue art vellum cloth binding. Book One . . . First g r a d e .............................. 80 B ook Tw o . . Second grade ........................... 00 Book Three , . Third grade ........... 00 Book Four it. Fourth grade . ' . . ............................. 95 B ook Five . , . F ifth grade ....................«...1 .0 0 B ook Six . . . Sixth grade ............. .. 1.00 EGERMEIER’S BIBLE PICTURE ABC BOOK

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B y R I c h a r d E llsw orth Day, author o f B u s h A glow . A book o f preci­ ous daily m editations for the year. A “ borrow ed g low ” burns, through the printed w ords o f e a c h day’s meditation in this volume, its emphasis on the W ord w ill bring a blessing in your private w orship or at the fam ily altar. $ 1.50

Each letter o f the alphabet is illustrated with a beautiful full color plate, accompanied by a story. By Elsie E. E germ eier................. 1.00 A SELECTION FOR EV E R Y O N E .............................WE GIFT WRAP FREE OF CHARGE CHRISTIAN FICTION ONE DOLLAR CHRISTMAS CARDS B eautiful Assortments

TREASURY OF DAVID By G. H. Spurgeon Condensed into tw o beautiful volum es by David Otis Fuller. The incomparable exposition o f the Psalms; this condensation in no w ay detracts from Spurgeon’s original work. Now—

A pproved stories that captivate. It is now possible to get high-class stories that young folks w ill read through at a sittin g! SHERR ILL BLANDON’S CALL STOKE OF BR IER H ILL EYES IN THE DARK by Zenobia Bird IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE by Sidney W atson **A vivid account of the sudden, tragedies p ortraying • the- Second Com ing o f Christ.” THE MAN WHO COULD NOT SIN by Newman W atts “An amazing tale, fran kly imaginative, of the w orld in the prophetic days to com e.” AFTER THEIR OWN PLEASURE t by Edith B. Pedersen “ An u p-to-date story, a refreshing tale that gives you back your faith in modern youth.” TO THESE ALSO by Bertha Moore “A fast m oving, fascinating story w ith a Cuban background.” ★ CHRISTMAS ANNUAL * A book which combines well-written Christmas stories and literature, poetry, richly colored re­ production, Christinas carols,, and exquisite photographic portrayals reflecting the joyousness and vitality of the Christmas season. An amazing value. Gift Edition Paper Cover in Gift Box..........$1.00

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