King's Business - 1941-11

November, 1941

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


that were under the law, that we might receive the- adoption of sons” (Gal. 4:4, 5). That is the reason that Abra­ ham, perhaps the greatest of all the Old Testament saints, is called the “friend” of God, but not a son of God. Sonship for sinful men had to wait for Calvary.

ARE THE ANGELS “ SONS OF GOD” ? [ Continued from Page 412] the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them

Everlasting Praises 189 songs prayerfully and carefully; pre­ pared for the- church, •SUnday-school and revival. Durable.-: manila binding, . 25c each, $16.50 per hundred, delivered. Returnable sample on request ; -v TAYLOR S BOOK SHOP Bex 512 Tuscaloosa, Ala. Make MORE Money This Christmas With our “ Bible TextySpecial”—-50 beautiful Christmas folders imprinted with name and choice of Bible verse. Sells, for only $1.20. Nothing else like it. Christians appreciate. Liberal commission. Also, dur complete line, Greeting Cards,. “ Sunshine” -plaques* Calen­ dars,. Bible Games, Novelties,.'etc., pays good profit to yourself or Church Society. Send for returnable samples, and free- Display Packet on “Bible Verse Spècial.” . (Our large agent’s Book and Bible catalog included free on re­ quest.) Satisfaction guaranteed. Write fbday.’ C. W . BOYER 2101 Windsor Rd., Dept. C -ll Dayton, Ohio is portrayed not as a man having a special “gift of faith” but as one who trusted God and obeyed His Word and followed His guidance. The account of resulting world-wide ministry makes this record a challenge to increased faith on the part of believers today. Mr. Muller’s experiences in faith are shown to include much beside trust for the supply of his material needs. 159 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Cloth. Price $1.00. The story centers around four per­ sons: Gillian Guthrie, an attractive young stenographer who bravely has assumed responsibility for the care of her five-year-old brother; Reuben Rem­ ington, a fellow employee who proves a real friend to both Gillian and her brother, and a scheming and vicious uncle who seeks td rob the girl of her inheritance. On the eve o f Remington’s long- awaited vacation, an emergency arose in the office. Ill from overwork and malnutrition, Miss Guthrie fainted and was taken to a hospital. At his em­ ployer’s request, Remington took charge of getting her there and of providing for the ioiiely little brother. In the weeks of uncertainty and fear that followed, he learned much through com­ panionship with the child—simple les­ sons in faith that had been drawn from the Word of God. There are many ex­ citing epispdes in the book. 304 pages. J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Cloth. Price $2.00. JOHN, KUDIN & COMPANY, ING., .1018 So.' W abash Ave., Chicago, 111. Pages 430 ami 434. ANNUITIES AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, BIBLE House, -New York, N. Y. Iriside front cover: THE SALVATION ARMY, 120-130 WEST 14th St., New York, N. Y. Page 441. . WH EATON COLLEGE, W H E A T O N / ILL. Page 431. In Tune with Wedding Bells By G race L ivingston H ill

Our Literature Table

God’s Ravens , B y J ulia L ake K ellersberger This is a book that s u b t l y com­ bines beauty of language and beauty of Christian character. Written by a missionary who had been bom in the “Black Belt” of the South, and who had come to have a tender affection for the cqlored people, it is the record of a missionary family’s experiences leading to and including service in the Belgian Congo. The tender gratitude with which the author depicts the Lord’s gracious provision for their varied needs is both , solemnizing and refreshing. Wife of an eminent physician, Dr. E. R. Kellersberger, the writer of this book is now co-secretary with her hus­ band of the American Mission to Lepfers, and in this connection con­ tinues the remarkably fruitful service that was begun in Africa. The volume is more than a missionary autobio­ graphy; it is an unusually excellent piece of writing, and it is a stimula­ tion to deep trust in a faithful God. 207 pages. Fleming H. Revell Co., New York. Cloth. Price $1.50. What Does Jesus Expect of His Church? B y S am H igginbottom The subtitle of this volume is “Report of a Lay Missionary Moderator and His Wife, Who Visited the Church” ; and that is exactly what it is. Dr. Higginbottom, President of the Alla­ habad Christian College, India, was elected Moderator of the Presbyterian Church, U. S. A., at its 1939 General Assembly in Cleveland, Ohio, and in this capacity, with his wife, on an extended furlough from India, he visited all parts of his denomination. The auth­ or sets forth both the favorable and the unfavorable things he found. Though he faces Christians with their world Buyers' Guide C LA S8I FI E D A D V E R T IS E »! ENT'S A t 5 cents a w ord ; 5 % discount on term contracts i f Paid L istin g s R ate T im es In Advance 20 W ord s $1.00 6 $ 5.70 20 W ord s $1.00 12. 11.40

task, it is regrettable that he speaks of the Holy Spirit in the neuter gender. There are also some references in this volume that lead one to believe that the author is looking for the church to bring in the “Golden Age” of the world. 128 pages. Fleming H. Revell Co., New York. Cloth. Price $1.25. , Building the Church B y M ark A llison M atthews This volume is one selected for pub­ lication by the American Tract So­ ciety, as the result of a recent Prize Book Contest. The writing was com­ pleted only a short time before the author received his summons to the Home of the true church. The style of the book is characteristically that of Dr. Matthews:, simple, forceful, and clear. It treats of the church as an organises and an organization; as im­ pregnable and invincible in Christ Jesus. It shows the position of the various offices within the local, visible church, closing with a great plea for the church and every member of it to be faithful in service and in prayer in these last days of the age, before the Lord comes to take His Bride unto Himself. Ohe will want to read the volume carefully, for there are a few passages with which all will not agree. But for these few instances, this is a much-needed book for the ministry and. the laity. 193 pages. American Tract Society, New York. Cloth. Price $1.50. • George Muller; The Man of Faith B y B asil M iller Systematically setting forth the steps in George Muller’s mighty life of trust in God, the author of this new biogra­ phy of the founder of the orphanages at Bristol brings definite encourage­ ment to believers today. George Muller AGENTS WANTED BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE ASSN. 810 N. W ells St.,Chicago, 111. Page 131.' C. W. COYER, 3101 W INDSOR RD„ D AY - ton. Ohio. Page 447. GEORGE W . NOBLE, 7-C MONON BLDG., Chicago, 111. Page 433. PEASE GREETING CARDS, INC., 264 Laurel St„ Buffalo, N. Y. Page 444.

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