HELPING ENSURE HAZARDOUS WORK IS DONE SAFELY The Atlantic Center for Occupational Health and Safety Training (Atlantic COHST), based at the Center, provides training to prevent work related injuries and disease due to the potential hazards and exposures that may occur during hazardous waste operations and emergency response activities, disaster response, and for those entering an environmental career. Funding is provided by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
Make the Road New York Migrant Clinicians Network New Jersey State Police New Jersey Work Environment Council (NJ WEC) New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH) New York District Council of Carpenters Training Center New York University School of Global Public Health Northeast New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (NENYCOSH) Rutgers Global Health Institute State University of New York at Buffalo Universidad Ana G. Mendez World Cares Center The Atlantic COHST expands opportunities for workers in New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands to participate in high-quality training provided by well-respected training organizations. The Atlantic COHST includes training partners from academia, labor, and the public sector who effectively provide training to their target populations. Atlantic COHST partners include:
2021 - 2022 COURSE LIST Annual Refresher on Health and Safety for Hazardous Waste Personnel Hazardous Materials Transportation Hazardous Waste Management- RCRA Training Remediation Strategies and Technologies for Environmental Contamination Supervisors of Hazardous Waste Operations 40-Hour Health and Safety for Hazardous Waste Site Personnel
feedback “
As always, a great experience. Been coming here 30 years with no intention to quit now!”
Hazardous Materials Transportation trainee
10 | Center for Public Health Workforce Development | 300 Atrium Drive, Suite 100 | Somerset, NJ 08873
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