AY2022 Impact Report - Rutgers CPHWD


As opioid overdoses became more prevalent, the Center was approached by the NJ Office of Emergency Medical Services (NJOEMS) to develop of a unique training program for first responders, specifically those who were likely to be involved with an opioid overdose reversal.

The goal was to arm responders with new communication tools so they could engage differently with a person who was revived with naloxone / Narcan. The result was an 8-hour training initiative called Five Minutes to Help, developed by staff member, Philip McCabe; consultant, John Krieger; and Program Manager, Colleen McKay Wharton. This training focuses on concepts such as stages of behavior change, using communication techniques of developing rapport and motivational interviewing, and reducing the stigma of substance misuse. By preparing a statewide team of instructors under this initiative, the same concepts could be taught at the local level to local squads and agencies. More than 140 Instructors of the Five Minutes to Help program have been trained and provided the necessary tools and materials to deliver dozens of local courses, both remotely and in the classroom. New and innovative approaches are being explored to expand delivery of this training more broadly.

OPIOIDS IN THE WORKPLACE In October 2021, the Center launched a new Opioids in the Workplace: Awareness training. Building off the NIEHS Opioids in the Workplace training tool, this is a completely asynchronous online training, meaning that trainees can take it whenever they want and move through the content at their own pace. The training was developed by Marie Dessanti-Huang and Jonathan Rosen, our partner through NIEHS. In the first few weeks of the training, we were able to reach trainees across the country for over 50 contact hours. Our goal with this program is to bring awareness of opioid use disorder and its relationship with workplace well-being and safety.

IMMUNIZING AGAINST MISINFORMATION For several years, the Center has supported the New Jersey Department of Health Immunization Conference, which aims to provide current guidance on best practices related to both pediatric and adult vaccine delivery. While the event has typically been held in person, this year’s conference, Immunizing Against Misinformation: Sharing Solutions , was held virtually in May 2022. With over 446 in attendance, attendees learned from nationally- recognized vaccination experts about communication techniques to address vaccine misinformation and vaccine hesitancy.

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(p) 732-235-9450 | rutgerstraining.sph.rutgers.edu | rutgerstraining@sph.rutgers.edu |

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