AY2022 Impact Report - Rutgers CPHWD

ance to nd high-need ncluding ellectual and disabilities nce tolerance

98% learned a new skill or knowledge in their training 97% work safer because of their training 98% are better able to assess hazards because of their training 239 courses 9,834 trainees 43,516 contact hours

c response mergency sionals

h professional nt, events, and education health t technical

Our trainees have various educational backgrounds. Our programs provide continuing education at all levels.

Trainee Geography

College/ Technical Degree

Graduate Degree

High School

Some College/Tech

SomeGrad School

11% 22%


7% 24%

New Jersey New York

US Virgin Islands Puerto Rico

| 7

(p) 732-235-9450 | rutgerstraining.sph.rutgers.edu | rutgerstraining@sph.rutgers.edu |

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