King's Business - 1968-02 the preparation of thousands of young men and women for Christian service

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Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home T T t ie K i n g ’s B c t s i n e s s A PUBLICATION OF BIOLA SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, INC. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman Vol. 58, No. 2 • FEBRUARY, In the year ot our Lord 1968 • Established 1910 A r t i c l e s WHERE ARE TH E MIRACLES? — Vance Havner ................................. 8 TH E HIPPIES ARE RIGHT — H. E. Jones .......................................... 10 "WELCOME TO TH E CLUB" — John McArthur, Jr........................... 12 YOUR CHILD MUST LEARN TO PRAY — Gordon Chilvers ........... 15 A CEN TURY OF CHANGE — Elmer W . Engstrom ............................ 18 HOW CHRISTIAN ARE OUR FUNERALS? — Robert Warren ...... 20 STRA IGH T TA L K ON HARD LIQUOR — Andrew E. Johnson ......... 21 M EN TA L TENSION — Kenneth L. Pike ............................................... 30 YOU KNOW TH IS MAN — Dick Hillis ............................................... 38 TH E INSPIRATION AND INERRANCY OF TH E SCRIPTURES — Robert L. Thomas ................................. 3 » CHRISTIAN STAMP CLUB ........................................................................ 42 MESSAGE FROM TH E EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland .................. 6 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ............................. ......................... 26 SCIENCE AND TH E BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser .............................. 28 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert .................................................... 29 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS ....................................................................... 32 OVER A CUP OF COFFEE — Joyce Landorf ........................................ 34 CHRISTIAN WORKERS' CLIN IC — Chester C. Larson ..................... 36 C o l u m n s PEOPLE IN TH E NEWS ............................................................................... 4 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE ..................................................................... 17

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S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor


JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager

BILL EHMANN: Advertising and Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: Bill Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker



ADVERTISING— for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 13800 Biota Ave., La Mirada, California 90638. MANUSCRIPTS— "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid in La Mirada, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 90638.

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Peopleh theHem

World Vision International has awarded the first international children’s art talent contest grand prize to a 15- year-old Japanese boy, Elkichl Sakural. Judges selected the work from more than 1,000 entries from 17 nations. The contest is being conducted by World Vision as part of an effort to develop the total child and en­ couragement of any special talents

26th Annual Convention scheduled for April 23-25 in Philadelphia as “ The Witnessing Church Ip A Secu­ lar World.” Featured speakers for the evening sessions will include Senator Mark O. Hatfield, Dr. Myron S. Augsburger and Dr. Joel H. Nederhood. Speakers for the morning addresses will be Dr. Rufus Jones, Dr. Clyde W . Taylor and Dr. Billy A . Melvin. More than 1,000 Christian leaders are ex­ pected to attend the convention. Membership in the organization now exceeds 2% millions. Wheaton College Graduate School will conduct the third annual Min­ isters’ Institute on Saturday morn­ ings during February. The schedule was announced by W . Glyn Evans, as­ sistant professor of practical theolo­ gy and chairman of the Institute. The theme is “ Techniques of Chris­ tian In terpersona l Relationships.” Two-hour sessions will begin at 9 :00 a.m. each week during February. The Associated Collegiate Press has announced A ll-Am e r ican h on o rs awarded to the Wheaton College KODON. The magazine celebrates its fourth consecutive AA rating. Editor of the magazine was Larry Brook, a June graduate who is now continu­ ing his studies in literature at the University of Chicago. Gospel Light Publications of Glendale, California, has announced the re­ lease of a new book by Ethel Barrett entitled “ It Didn’t Just Happen.” Featuring 54 stories, certain titles include “ The Man Who Ran Away,” “ The Journey with Nine Surprises,” “ The People Who Couldn’t Go Back­ wards,” “ The Grumble-Mumble Peo­ ple,” and many others. “ It Didn’t Just Happen” is Mrs. Barrett’s first volume of children’s stories. Previous books have included Storytelling — it’s Easy, Sometimes I Feel Like a Blob, and There I Stood in All My Splendor. Narramore Christian Foundation of Rosemead, Calif, recently conducted a seminar for ministers, mission­ aries, and their wives. A total of thirty-three people from twelve states and four foreign countries took one month of intensive training and counseling at the foundation head­ quarters. “ The purpose of the semi­ nar,” according to Dr. Narramore, “was to help ministers improve their coun­ seling skills.” Course topics included Personality Disturbances, D efense Mechanisms, Depression, The Bible and Counseling, Techniques of Coun­ seling, The Unwed Mother, Phobies,

19" x 27” m .

Pilgrim's Map-The HolyLand Timely, historic map, shows the journeys and deeds of our Lord. Identifying Scripture ref­ erences; produced in Nazareth. Sent to all who contribute $1.00 or more to this ministry, to bring the Gospel to more than 2,000,000 Jews in Metropolitan New York. A CHRISTIAN W ITNESS FOR 70 YEARS NEW YORK GOSPEL MISSION TO THE JEWS Rev. David J. Fant Litt. D., President Ruth Angel, General Secretary Emeritus I Dept K, 149 Avenue B, New York, N. Y., 100091 BRAZIL GOSPEL MISSION A fundamental faith mission dedicated to soul-winning in the area of Sao Paulo, one of Brazil's largest cities. • Establishing Churches • Bible Institute • 40 Acre Bible Camp • Jewish Evangelism P.O. Box 816 Tempe, Arizona 85281 Ä RUSHINGTORUSSIANS and others with the Gospel. Tour pray- , era and help needed to support Russian and other Missionaries in Europe, Alaska, and the Americas, sending Gospel literature, and broadcasting the Gospel to Russians. Write For Free Slavic Gospel News 1 SLAVICGOSPELASSOCIATION PeterDeyneka, General Director. | Dept K2434«. Kedzic Blvd., Chicago, II. 60647 TIT? 1717 VERSE BY VERSE r j x i j j j z n o t e s o n r e v e l a t io n Send today for current study on chapter one. Write:

Dr. Ted Engstrom and Mrs. Bob Pierce he may have. Sakurai was aban­ doned when he was six months old, and is one of more than 23,000 or­ phans and needy children cared for by people in the United States, Canada, and Australia through World Visions Childcare Program. First prize was awarded him for a skilful colorful paper collage of the Matsu- moto Castle. Second place winner was a seyen- teen-year-old boy from the island of Bali, Indonesia who presented a wa­ ter color painting of a temple. "Pala Mar" Retreat in P ineland , Florida is a unique ministry oper­ ated by the American Evangelical Christian Churches. The organiza­ tion is non-commercial and does not rent or sell its accommodations. Peo­ ple from any denomination may en­ joy the facilities during the winter in return for lending a hand a few hours a day doing repair and main­ tenance work on the grounds. The facilities are furnished free of charge to those who desire to fellowship in the out-of-doors at a beautiful loca­ tion which offers good fishing, swim­ ming, boating, and other outdoor ac­ tivities. No charge is made for the services ; however, each person enjoy­ ing the facilities is asked to spend several hours a day keeping up the maintenance of the grounds while enjoying them. The organization op­ erates the retreat for its own use for annual conferences and the rest of the time it is available for Chris­ tian people. The National Association of Evangeli­ cals has announced the theme of its


RAYS OF REVELATION Box K, 604 No. Clark St. Chicago, Illinois 60610


American Indian children from many tribes that are “unloved” — “unwanted” need your help . Please give where it’s needed most. AMERICAN INDIAN MISSION SOCIETY Box 5215 Million Hills, Calif. 91340



films, including another film on Viet­ nam which is nearing completion. Named as Acting President of World Vision was Dr. Richard C. Hal­ verson of Washington, D.C., for many years a close friend and associate of Dr. Pierce. Other officers of World Vision include executive vice-presi­ dents Dr. Ted W . Engstrom and Larry Ward, (Overseas Director), Dr. Paul S. Rees, vice-president at large and Dr. F. Carlton Booth, secretary-treasur­ er. Delegates to the Eighth Inter-Var- sity Missionary Convention gave and promised $93,000 for student work overseas through the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. This was a 360 per cent increase over the $19,000 given by the 7,000 dele­ gates at the Seventh Convention in 1964. The IFES includes national mem­

Hysteria, W ithdrawal, Neuroses, Character Disorders, A lcoholism , Marriage Problems and Sex Devia­ tion. Plans are now in operation for annual seminars of this type. Dr. Bob Pierce has announced his resignation as President of World Vision, Inc. for reasons of health. He will continue in the active service of World Vision as health permits. Founded by Dr. Pierce in 1950, World Vision has given emergency assistance to more than 100 denomi­ national and interdenominational agencies worldwide under its pro­ gram of “ providing emergency as­ sistance in crisis areas.” It has been announced officially by the World Vision Board of Directors that Dr. Pierce, in addition to speak­ ing and writing activities as he is able, will continue to serve the or­ ganization in the production of its

ber movements in some 35 countries, including the Inter-Varsity Chris­ tian Fellowships of the U.S. and Canada which sponsor the conven­ tion. Dr. John W. Alexander, general director of the U.S. IVCF headquar­ tered in Chicago, said this expres­ sion of financial concern for student work abroad reflects a significant in­ crease in the interest by American students in students in colleges in other lands. CORRECTION In the December' issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS, an item was pub­ lished concerning recent staff and facul­ ty additions at Los Angeles Baptist College in our “ People in the News” column. The copy indicated five full­ time staff members. It should have read “ five new staff and faculty members.” The school has a total of 15 on the staff and a faculty o f 24. H3


refugee children in Vietnam are struggling against tre­ mendous odJs in growing up. Pictured here are but a few. They need food; clothing, medical help, schooling. Most of all, they need the love, care and prayers of a sponsor. You can help in their search for security. You can help introduce them to the Prince of Peace. Enjoy the pleasure and satisfaction of such a plan through World Vision Childcare. As a sponsor you will receive a photo and brief history of your child. You’ll want to exchange letters, snapshots and send gifts.. Your love and influence will help your protege grow toward a happy, healthy, God-centered adult life. Choose the c h i l d y o u wish to sponsor or send a contribution to help in this herculean task." Use the handy coupon below. r ------- 1 |

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| I Nguyen, Nan 1— 1Hoang #4

[— I Le, Nan Minh L J # 5

age 6

age 9


CHILDCARE A department of

World Vision International

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age 10



a message from the editor A

needs Christ



How will they hear UNLESS SOMEONE IS SENT! Arctic Missions has pioneered in per­ son-to-person evangelism in ALASKA since 1951. It has “sent” 57 mission­ aries to present Christ in 20 centers through Bible Conferences, Gospel team evangelism, Vacation Bible Schools and camps, a Christian High School and a native Bible Institute. Sound-Color Film Gives D etails A 16 mm. sound-color film available on offering basis tells the wonderful story of this work of God in Alaska. For details, Arctic News, and litera­ ture mail coupon.


T h e A m e r i c a n H e a r t A s s o c i a t i o n has come out flat-footedly in condemning the whole vicious cigarette business. A recent statement published by the Association quotes D r. W illiam H . Stewart, U .S . Surgeon General, as stating that work days lost because o f smoking-related illnesses run "in to billions o f dollars.” H e added that the nation’s economy is "paying dearly for the cigarette habit.” It is argued by some cigarette smokers that those who do not smoke have nothing whatever to say about whether an individual should smoke or not. But non-cigarette smokers should have something to say about this nefarious business because it is actually costing the non­ cigarette smokers in the aggregate millions o f dollars a year to help to support hospitals, sanitariums, rehabilitation centers where victims o f the smoking habit are treated for the related illnesses that come upon them as a result o f the cigarette. "F o r emphysema alone, a respiratory ailment aggravated by smoking,” the Surgeon General noted, "th e Social Security A d ­ ministration pays more than 60 million dollars a year to men disabled by the disease. The U .S . Public Health Service now re­ ports that emphysema disables one out o f every fourteen work­ ing men over 4 5 .” Purely on the basis o f economics, the non- smoker does have a right to protest against this whole sordid business. The Heart Association report further states, " A man who smokes a pack or less o f cigarettes a day has nearly twice the risk (o f heart attack) o f a non-smoker. I f he smokes more than one pack, his risk is still higher.” D r. Paul Dudley W h ite, world- famous heart specialist, declares. "T h e avoidance o f cigarettes and o f the use o f other toxic substances . . . are all quite clearly to be included in our list o f proper health habits.” The trouble is, the American Heart Association does not begin to have the finances available at its disposal to combat the cigarette evil which the tobacco companies do possess with which to ad­ vertise their products. The cigarette ads which are continually

C om e up a n d h e lp us!

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J O IN T H E A .E.C .C . If you have been called to preach an evan­ gelical message, associate yourself with a recognized Church Body which will provide you with all the rights of the Clergy and at the same time allow you to teach or preach without being restricted by man-made doc­ trines. Send stamp for literature. American Evangelical Christian Churches 192 North Clark St., Chicago, III. 60601 INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP FORMERLY: CEYLON and INDIA GENERAL MISSION Cetobratiii{75 Y**rs otSerriwUntothe UttermostPart" WORKING IN INDIA and PAKISTAN writ* for FREE Lltoraturo ^J07 -K N. Hale Street, Wheaton, Illinois 60187^

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bombarding the homes o f America through television and the various news media all admit that the product has a certain amount o f lung and body-destroying properties, but each com ­ pany claims that the other company’s products are greater villains in this regard than their own. The simple facts are that they all are practically equal in deadliness. The tragic part o f it is that such a large segment o f the Ameri­ can public is stupid or gullible enough to believe the advertisers. So the various brands o f cigarettes are purchased, and the victims go merrily on their way until it is too late to do anything about it, and they are completely enmeshed in the evil practice o f smok­ ing. Periodically the cigarette companies, in a moment o f hypocrisy urge that cigarette smoking be indulged in “ with moderation.” Like the liquor interests which urge drinking in moderation, these cigarette companies know fu ll well that the human body craves more and more nicotine once the smoking habit is formed. And cigarette smokers themselves know all too well that they are never satisfied with smoking in moderation. So this is cynicism o f the most reprehensive sort. There is a continually increasing demand for more smoke to satisfy the cravings o f the victim ’s body. The evils o f the smoking habit must be stressed first o f all, in the home. The home is twice blessed where neither the mother nor the father smokes. The children o f such a home have far greater chances o f never becoming enmeshed in this habit than do children where either or both o f the parents smoke. The danger is that if the warnings are pointed, or too frequent, the children sometimes rebel and will take up smoking as an expression o f rebellion. Y et it must be realized that the tobacco interests are continually advertising their products. That is the way sin works and that is the way individual ofttimes works because o f sin in the human heart. W e rebel against the right way if it is not properly presented. But we gladly accept the wrong way, and never seem to grow weary o f its appeals. N o t only should parents warn their children in the home, but also it would be a wonderful thing indeed if parents would unite in demands that their pastor cease his smoking habits (if he does indulge, and more and more ministers are indulging these d ay s); and if parents would demand that their church officials likewise be an example o f the believer in refraining from indulg­ ing in the smoking habit if only for the sake o f being a proper example for the children and young people o f the congregation. N o t one single beneficial result can be claimed for the smoking habit. Almost invariably, those who do indulge will confess that they wish they had never started. A t one time, smoking was considered rather lightly; it was only a moral issue. Furthermore, there were those who claimed that it was not even a moral issue. N ow it has been proven ebyond any reasonable doubt that the smoking habit is definitely damag- (continued on page 19)

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I N t h e presen ce of a miracle — an angel of the Lord — Gideon asked, “Where are the miracles?” But let us not be too hard on Gideon. It was a sad day of defeat and bondage for Israel and Gideon could only ask, “ If the Lord be with us, why then is all this befallen us?” Give him credit for this much: he cared. He was no kin to your modem Pollyannas, whistling in the dark. He remembered better days and frankly inquired: “Where are the miracles of other times?” He would have God rend the mountains and come down as He used to do. Such a spirit does not displease God like the frothy cheerfulness o f men who have no burden for the times. The Bible heroes were a rather dour lot compared to the modern happiness boys but God blessed them. They who would build high must first dig deeply. Gideon may have had an inferior­ ity complex and may have needed a lot of advance proof so that he almost walked by sight instead of faith but God helped him along and He will help us along much more when we are in that mood than when we airily dismiss the troubles o f the hour as though a sleeping church and a lost world mat­ tered little after all. “Where are the miracles?” Gideon asked and it is a timely question today. Some time ago thirty thousand people crowded a New York park to see a miracle which failed to materialize. A little Cath­ olic boy said the Virgin Mary had appeared to him and had promised the opening of a well out of the rocks of a playground. Time magazine com­ mented: “ Joe did not quite realize it at first, but there were many other lonely, unhappy or troubled people who also wanted to see a vision. In the big city there were countless others who, like Joe, want­ ed something wonderful to happen.” Well, something wonderful has happened in this old world. God so loved the world that He sent His only-begotten Son that whosoever believ- eth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. That is a miracle, the greatest of all, and more important than anything that may happen today or tomorrow is this miracle of the Gospel. We need not ask, “Where are the miracles?” when we have a miracle among us all the time. Yet in connection with this supernatural Gos­ pel we may well ask Gideon’s question. Many dis­ tressed Christians, burdened over all that has be­ fallen us, are asking: “WHERE ARE THE MIR­ ACLES IN MODERN PREACHING?” A lot of modern preaching proclaims no miracle. What for­ ever distinguishes the Christian message from all others is just this: it is a message about a miracle. Christ died for our sins and rose again. That is the Gospel and that is miracle. Here is the issue today between modernism and fundamentalism. Liberalism denies the miraculous and would ex­ plain away the supernatural. Jesus Christ, the Son

Where Are The Miracles?

by Dr. Vance Havner

o f God, virgin-born, living a sinless life, dying a substitutionary, atoning death, rising bodily from the dead and coming again personally—that is a miracle. Listening to some preaching today, one might well ask Gideon’s question. The Gospel is not only miraculous in what it is but in what it does. It produces regenerated men and women, not merely improved over what they used to be but new creatures in Christ Jesus. Every Christian is a miracle; he is a child of God by a new birth from above; he is an heir of God and a citizen of heaven. The Christian life is su­ pernatural, lived by a miraculous power, the power of Christ’s resurrection. It begins by an act of the Holy Spirit which is a miracle; and it never ends, which is another miracle. Modernistic preaching produces no such phe­ nomena. The best it can do is to turn out a species of social reformer with a religious whitewash. On the other hand there is a lot o f sound preaching that has little to show because while sound in doc­ trine it has facts without fire, it is not in the power of the Holy Spirit sent down from heaven. To be sure, visible results are not the only test o f true preaching. But faith cometh by hearing and hear­ ing by the Word of God and when a miraculous message is preached in miraculous power something



miraculous will take place. It may not always show up statistically but there will be conviction and men will sense that God is there and has spoken. Too many of our meetings can be explained on natural grounds. We need to see some meetings that cannot be accounted for except by saying, “ It is the Lord” . In the second place, we might ask: “WHERE ARE THE MIRACLES IN THE CHURCH TO­ DAY?” If the Holy Spirit were removed today, some churches would hardly know the difference. We quote, “Not by might nor power but by My Spirit” and then go on working in the energy of the flesh. The church at Pentecost presented the world with a miracle, men and women filled with the Spirit, and the congregation asked, “What meaneth this?” Something supernatural had come to town. People did not join that church casually as one might join a civic club or Ladies Aid. God was in it and men feared. Electricity was in the world before Franklin and Morse and Edison dis­ covered some of its powers. The Spirit of God has been among us through the centuries but only now and then does a Whitefield, Finney, Moody or Evan Roberts demonstrate the power from above. The church today is busy lecturing the world, enter­ taining the world; she has become a big business and occupied all too often chiefly with keeping her set-up and organization and program going. What the church needs and what the world needs to see is miracles,—miracles of Spirit-filled testi­ mony, conviction, repentance, conversions. These are supernatural for they are wrought of God. Churches only make themselves ridiculous trying to compete with the world at its own game. We have something the world does not have. We have Christ and the message of the Gospel. This world has nothing to match that. When we descend to the natural we gain only the scorn of the world. It is high time to let the church be the church. Paul gloried in the foolishness of preaching, not in words of men’s wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and power. Our peculiar native gifts may indeed be sanctified and used of the Spirit but men will not be impressed by the man but by the miracle, the miracle of a Spirit-filled mes­ sage and a supernatural Christ. When anything less than miracle is the chief impression, we have failed. When the church becomes again what she is meant to be, a miracle, living by miracle, preach­ ing miracle, demonstrating miracle, she will not degenerate into dull, dead dignity on one hand or wild delirium on the other. Of course, this brings the whole matter to the door of us individuals who compose the church and, borrowing Gideon’s phrase again, we may ask, “WHERE ARE THE MIRACLES IN CHRIS­ TIAN LIVING?” There is very little evident in

the average Christian that cannot be explained on the natural plane. A minister’s message is often drowned out by the way his people in the pew live. We need miracles in daily living, miracles of faith and love and power that prove the promises o f God. God has always had His witnesses through the years who have taken Him up on His chal­ lenge, “ Prove Me now” , and have lived their life in the flesh by the faith of the Son of God. But there are not enough of such witnesses. Most of us live largely on the natural with maybe an oc­ casional excursion into the supernatural during a revival or when we get into trouble. How we do need miracle lives, not a sensational exploit now and then but victorious Christian living day by day in the home and shop and office. This bizarre age plays up the spectacular: if a wife is unfaith­ ful to her husband, that is news, but the thousands of faithful wives do not make news. Goodness is not recognized unless it does something very flashy. The church has become infected with this distemper and would have the verse read, “Be thou flashy unto death and I will give thee a crown of life” . The New Testament constantly discour­ ages fitful Christianity and exhorts us throughout to live Christ daily, in season and out, always abounding in the work of the Lord. In other words, we are to have miracle lives in a natural world. Gideon asked two questions: “ If the Lord be with us, why then is all this befallen us ? and where be all His miracles which our fathers told us o f?” These questions are interwoven. Miracles prove God and we need miracles because we need to see God work. “ It is time for God to work.” Elisha did not ask, “Where are the miracles of Elijah?” but “Where is the Lord God of Elijah?” We need miracle preaching, miracle churches and miracle lives, because we need to see God work, not men working for God but God working through men. What kind of men does God manifest Himself through? Men like Gideon who are burdened over the times, conscious of their own weakness and anxious to see God do something. “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him” . Such men may have their faults; they may need a lot of prompting and even a fleece now and then, but they had better under-rate themselves than fare forth in their own strength. Their methods may amuse the wise-acres even as Gideon’s three hun­ dred with lamps and pitchers looked ridiculous to the Midianites but if their motives are right and they obey the Lord, He will make them the instru­ ment of His power. It is not God’s fault that all this has befallen us these days. He is still among us but we have failed to make Him known miraculously in our preaching, our churches and our lives. H b |



“ y o u n g A m e r ic a n s ,” Newsweek states, “ They are ■ everywhere, almost 18 million young Ameri­ cans crowding into classrooms, spilling into streets, filling cars and stores and beaches. They have been probed and prodded and psychoanalyzed. The na­ tion’s official median age is 27.9 and declining. There are some 17.9 million Americans between 13 and 17, the high school years.” Today we are especially concerned about one segment of that 17.9 million Americans, that group that call themselves “ Hippies.” We feel it is vitally important today to learn to know and understand the genuine “ hippy,” the young American who is honestly in search for peace and happiness and the answer to the problems o f the world. We are not concerned about the “ early teen­ ager,” the youngster who is on the verge o f going astray, endeavoring to ape the image o f his more sophisticated peers, nor those adults who take ad­ vantage of the naivete of the young generation— the acid and dope pushers and the sick, sex-minded adults. For now, let us probe this special breed of mixed-up young Americans, the “hippies.” To discover and understand this individual, I read through stacks of papers. For example, The Realist, The Daily Californian, The Berkeley Barb, The American Observer, The Los Angeles Free Press, The Oracle, and The Western Socialist. Newsweek defines them this way: “ They smile and call themselves a new race. They want to change the United States from within by means o f a vague regimen o f all-embracing love. They are non-violent, mystical and bizarre. Psychedelic drugs are their instant passport to nirvana, a euphoric disdain for anything ‘square’ is their most common bond. Like the ‘beatniks’ o f the ’50’s, they are in the long tradition of Bohemia: seeking a vision o f the totally free life. They are, of course, the ‘hippies’.” A California sociologist says: “ They are drop­ outs who are turned off by wars, poverty, political phoniness and the ‘game’ that they see around them.” Sociologist Pauline Bart observes that most “hippies” are o f middle-class origin; they’ve seen their middle-class parents with their divorces and hypocrisies. Rev. Leon Harris o f the All Saints Episcopal Church in the Haight-Ashbury commu­ nity of San F ran cisco states: “To ‘hippies’, churches do not actually practice what they preach. They see the rank hypocrisy, the lack o f love from church people. ‘Hippies’ are against organized re­ ligion, but they have not repudiated God, prayer or meditation.” Others state that the “ hippies” are seeking a change o f environment. They are looking for more love and less strife. They put more emphasis on

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Jesus Christ in our lives, they will, as the “ hippies” have done, stamp “ hypocrisy” over the church and Christians. They’ll say, “You don’t really believe the love you preach!” The “ hippies” are searching. They’re trying to find love, but they don’t know where it is. They want to do away with their evil ways, but they don’t know how to get out o f the bonds of sin. They are groping for happiness, and not reaching it. Their desires are good, but their sources are wrong, and their movement can only prove a dis­ appointment because their foundation is not based on God’s Word. One “ hippy” said his generation was fed up with one-day-a-week-Christianity. When I asked him how he’d like to enjoy complete peace and love day by day by day, he said, “ I’d like that! Man, I’d take that!” And when I explained to this fellow and some of his friends how they could have that peace and love by coming to God through Jesus Christ and making Christ a part of their everyday lives, they were far more receptive than many people to whom we have witnessed. These lost souls responded to the Word more than many of today’s modernist, liberal, so-called Christians. The “hippies” have evaluated society correctly and have rejected it. Thus the left wing, the com­ munists and the socialists are taking an active in­ terest in them. But how much interest is the church taking in them? As a church and as Christians, we look down on the “ hippies” ; we don’t want to be associated with them, we would “wash our hands” of them. Yet these are the ones for whom Christ died! In I Peter 1:22, Peter outlines what the “ hip­ pies” should see in the church: “ Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fer­ vently.” The “ hippies” need to see that kind of genuine love prevailing in the authentic church of Jesus Christ. The “hippy” must look at the cross o f Jesus Christ and realize that there is the expression o f God’s love. He must be purified, have a “born- again” experience and acknowledge that his body is the temple o f the Holy Spirit. The “hippy” can come to God through Jesus Christ. He can enjoy salvation based on the living, revealed Word of God to the world, but the true church o f Jesus Christ must share the Word! Christians have the answer to the “ hippies” search for love and peace. That answer must be demonstrated by our actions, by our attitudes, by our dedication to the things of the Lord. Let us live our lives that we might be living treasure, worthy of discovery and emulation by the “hip­ pies.”

personal work rather than on external materialism. True “ hippies” go out of their way for one another. They are not anti-society; they have just despaired of society. The Bible bears out their disillusionment with society: Ecclesiastes 1:2-3: “Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun?” As the “ hippy” views the world, apart from God, he says it is all vain and it isn’t worth it. In this respect, he is absolutely right! Besides researching publications, I interviewed many “hippies” so I could better appreciate them and their attitudes. At California State College at Long Beach, a student who called himself a “hippy,” said, “ Society is a failure.” Look at his evidence: From the war of 1914 up to the present conditions in Israel — continual social unrest and upheaval! What has caused this wide-spread “hippy” movement? I think it is because o f the inheritance of the “ hippy.” When we look to the Word, in I Peter 1 :18, we find that Peter described his gen­ eration as those who had inherited “ futile habits of life . . . from your forefathers” (Weymouth), “ the empty folly of your traditional ways” (New English Bible). The “ hippies” have inherited a similar society — a sick, sick, sick society — produced by their parents. Here are some statistics that reveal the degree o f sickness: In 1903 Bolshevism was bom with 17 supporters, and Communism today domi­ nates one billion people. American Communists spend 38% of their gross income for their cause, yet American Christians spend less than 1% of their income for foreign missions, less than $3.00 a year per individual. If you were a “hippy,” and you knew an Ameri­ can Communist gave 38% of his income, and an American Christian gave $3.00 a year, which one would you believe practiced what he preached? The “hippy” cries out: “Hypocrites!” Why? A government that adds “under God” to the flag salute, then outlaws prayer in schools! Active min­ isters who confess God, yet deny the virgin birth, the resurrection of the body, and the dying of Christ for the remission o f sins! Social groups that attest devotion to the needy, yet shun the neediest o f their society! The “hippy” looks at organized, formalized, ritualized, ecumenized religion and pronounces it “ futile, empty folly.” He echoes the words of Jesus Christ, “ye whited sepulchres, dead men; clean on the outside, filthy on the inside.” In their evalua­ tion of our “ sick society,” the “ hippies” are abso­ lutely right! Here also is a threatening tragedy: Unless the young people in our churches see the reality of





by John McArthur, Jr. Talbot Theological Seminary Representative

J e s u s C hrist indicated clearly in Matthew 13 that the church age would be a strange era. He said, by way o f parable, that the term church in its broadest sense would include wheat and tares, the true and the false; those who know the “ lingo” and those who know the Lord; those who like re­ ligion and those who love God; those who want to socialize and those who want to evangelize; those who play church and those who are the church; those who tip their hat to God and those who give Him their lives. Christ commanded John to write to the church at Sardis what sounds like a description of the modern church. John wrote: “ I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.” What is wrong in the church? Has the church a realized purpose? What is it doing today to ful­ fill that purpose? What is it not doing? What is the popular concept of the church and what im­ pression is it making? In regard to this last ques­ tion, there are many misconceptions about the church. The following list might be a cross section representative of current ideas as to the purpose and function o f the church in this day. 1. The church is the neighborhood social cen­ ter for the purpose o f propagating bridge clubs, suppers, table games, social functions of various orders, and an occasional reli­ gious service to put some divine salt on the diet of human activity. It is actually quite a bit cheaper than the country club, even if one does drop something in the plate, and it certainly doesn’t make the demands that the local service clubs do. The greatest part is that everything is optional! In summary, one might conclude that it is a general rally­

ing point for people who like to socialize, but also like the sensation created by a per­ vading religious atmosphere. 2. The church is a babysitting and child-de­ velopment center for the express purpose of dropping off children who tend to disturb Sunday morning inactivity at home, and who, after all, should certainly become ac­ quainted with God and all that other “ stuff” that we learned when our parents took us. It is good for the kids, and they have a lot of trips, activities, and things to entertain them. 3. The church is a platform for political propa­ ganda for the purpose o f giving people in­ sight into what atrocities are being commit­ ted in Viet Nam, what terrible things the government is doing, and why the “ great society” will never be great. And since the preacher is a right-wing, left-wing, liberal, or conservative patriot who sees and vocal­ izes with what we believe, we owe it to our freedom-loving nature to go now and then. Of course, he mentions God and that is “healthy.” 4. The church is the meeting place for all who are in today’s demonstration. It is a sound­ ing board to defend our rights and proclaim to the world the social injustices that our country is enduring. Essentially, it is where the parades begin! It is a beautiful, magnifi­ cent set of buildings with stained-glass win­ dows and mahogany pews, carpeted floors and multi-thousand dollars’ worth o f em- bellishments, where we sit each week to 7 hear of the terrible plight of the poor and the needy and how we should fight for their




right to welfare!



men either ran to Christ or stoned the Apostles. But the church today, for the most part, gets nei­ ther reaction. A comfortable compromise has been reached to avoid the extreme. Two church dignitaries were viewing a costly and ornate cathedral. One said: “The day is gone when the church can say as Peter said, ‘Silver and gold have I none.’ ” “Yes,” replied the other, “ and the day is gone when the church can say, as Peter said in the same verse, ‘In the name o f Jesus of Nazareth, rise up and walk.’ ” So the church must turn again carefully to the Scripture to see as it is clearly revealed, its true power and purpose. 1. TO GLORIFY GOD The catechism said, “Man’s chief and highest end is to glorify God, and fully to enjoy Him for­ ever.” This is no more true of the individual Chris­ tian than it is of the church as a whole. Paul clear­ ly indicated this when he stated, “ That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God.” In writing to the Ephesian Christians in the first chapter, he reminded them that their salvation was to the end that they should be to the praise o f the glory of God. He summed it up in 3:21, when he triumphantly exclaimed, “Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” How does one glorify God? In I Corinthians 6 :20, we see that glorifying God is a matter o f the whole man: “ glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” Glorifying God is the duty o f the church. Essentially this glorifying in­ volves worship, which is the expression toward God of the whole man. The substance o f the word “worship” in both the original languages is “ to prostrate,” “ render homage,” “ venerate,” “hold in awe” or “ serve religiously.” The Greek literally means “ to kiss toward.” An Indian, in his preparation for the Lord’s Day services, said that he always made his body very clean from head to foot and then instead of laughing and chatting idly with his friends, he would, in his own words, “ sit down and think Jesus until it was time to go.” Glorifying God comes by way o f prayer and praise. The Psalmist said of the Lord, “Whoso offereth the sacrifice o f thanksgiving glorifieth me” (50:23). More particularly we glorify Him by a godly life. Recorded in John 15:8 are the words of Jesus, “Herein is my Father glorified that ye bear much fruit.” Compare Galatians 5:22, 23. 2. TO EDIFY ITSELF In Ephesians 4, Paul reveals that God gave to the church apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, “for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the building up of the

5. The church is a 'participant in a great con­ test for the purpose of seeing who can have more bodies in it than any other building. The idea is to get many people into it— packed full—at least, if not full, certainly more than the other church down the street. And anyway, the pastor over there is no great shakes, and oh, what could be said about one o f their Sunday school teachers! The church today, in so many cases, has be­ come the playground for neighborhood games, and the pulpit has often been turned into a soap box for the proclamation of every inane babbling imaginable. It suffers from social disease. As in the days of Malachi, the religion of to­ day is frequently an offering of polluted sacrifices. Malachi commented regarding Israel: “ Ye said also, Behold what a weariness is it! and ye have snuffed at it, saith the Lord of hosts; and ye brought that which was tom, and the lame, and the sick; thus ye brought an offering: should I accept this of your hand? saith the Lord. But cursed be the deceiver, which hath in his flock a male, and voweth, and sacrificeth unto the Lord a corrupt thing: for I am a great King, saith the Lord o f hosts, and my name is dreadful among the heathen” (1:13, 14). God gets the dirty end o f the stick from men. They throw Him the bones. Men sing, “ Somebody Bigger Than You and I,” not “Jesus, Lover of My Soul” ; “He,” not “ A Mighty Fortress is Our God.” The sin of Israel was a false religion. They wanted, for safety’s sake, to make their overture to God and in their hypocrisy they brought the worst, the leftover. So much of modem Christianity, so-called, has deteriorated into a social structure with a occasional religious activity thrown at God. But God never accepts the residue; He demands the first-fruits. He didn’t want it then; He doesn’t want it now. What is the cure for this “neurotic” church? It seems almost infantile to mention, but the church must begin to exist and function on the principles and passions laid down in the Scriptures. There is no lack of guidelines as to how the church is to act and operate. The church is to be the body of the continuing ministry of Jesus Christ. To be thus, the church must become Word-centered. Here­ in lies the key! This is the great difference be­ tween the church of Acts and the church o f today: one was Word-centered and the other is man-cen­ tered. When the church as a whole was Word-cen­ tered, new men lived in the sphere o f the eternal. Heaven, hell, redemption, sin and the Holy Spirit were real. The preaching o f the Word was to save, to comfort, to instruct, and beyond that it was, and still is, the catalyst o f history. Upon hearing it,



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