King's Business - 1968-02

speaker also has included some help­ ful studies on fifteen names given to God in Scripture. These are the more familiar names of Elohim, Je­ hovah, Adonai, and El Shaddai, as well as some which are not generally known such as El Elyon, El Olam, and El Roi. A companion volume to his books on the Second and Third Persons, this edition reveals not only the power and majesty of God, but also His love and grace. There is some very practical, illustrative ma­ terial which deals with positive as­ sertions which can be made relative to the knowledge of God in the face of the atheistic, agnostic, materialis­ tic, and secularistic society of our day. — 256 pages; cloth; Loizeaux Brothers, Neptune, New Jersey; $3.25. The Wycliffe Historical Geography of Bible Lands by Charles F. Pfeiffer and Howard F. Vos Perhaps one of the most signifi­ cant reference books to make its ap­ pearance on the scene in 1968 will be this excellent volume which has taken more than seven years to pre­ pare and present. With history and geography coupled closely together, excellent p i c t u r e s a r e replete throughout the book giving both con­ temporary and historical views of familiar names and places. Indexing is helpfully arranged with the gen­ eral directory, a Scriptural break­ down, and also one relative to maps. One almost loses himself in the pages of this volume which enable him to recount and relive the experiences of the days when Scripture was being written. With more and more people traveling to the Holy Land, this book will prove helpful for those an­ ticipating the experience as well as much appreciated by those who have already been there. All ten areas of the Near East and Mediterranean world, which we refer to today as the Bible Lands, are carefully covered. 588 pages plus maps; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $8.95. Philippian Studies by J. A. Motyer The book of Philippians is often called “ the joy book of the Bible.” The former vice-principal of Clifton Theological College, Bristol, England, shows how this book reveals “ the sur­ passing worth of knowing Christ Je­ sus.” Through the 25 brief chapters, the reader is given a devotional study of the important four chapters of Philippians with a practical applica­ tion for the victorious Christian life. — 188 pages; cloth; Inter-Varsity Press, Chicago, 111.; $3.50. HE

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