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by Kenneth L. Pike W ycliffe Bible Translators

Dr. Kenneth L. Pike

Apostle Paul almost at the break­ ing point with mental anxiety. “We are pressed out of measure, above strength, in so much that we despaired even of life,” he declared. Perhaps at this point he was in physical danger from the lions (cf. I Cor. 15:32), but the book goes on, “We have this treasure in earthen vessels . . . we are troubled on every side__ ” There is no escape from mental anxiety and tension. There are tools with which to try to meet it, but no real way to keep from “ dying.” We must die to ourselves, die to our wishes, die to our hopes, die to the point at which we are willing to accept tension. Once we have found that we are power­ less, and unable to do a job which is our responsibility, the more likely we are to call on God to do it. He is able. Some of our mental tensions come from sickness in the family, some from personal relationships with colleagues, some from studies, some from try­ ing to make choices as to which job has priority, some because we feel inadequate. There is no escape from ten­ sion. We must embrace it. This is not because we like it, but be-

tjl TOLD us that we should pass through much tribulation in entering the Kingdom o f God (Acts 14:22). When we look for the twentieth century equivalent of what we normally consider to be tribula­ tion, we at first fail to find it, for most of us — actually few of us — suffer persecution unto death. Yet the principle somehow must be universal, since we are all alike in our basic struggle and temptations (I Cor. 10:13). Of course, during times of war, as now, there is physical tribulation, and in some tribal areas Chris­ tians face hunger and other physi­ cal trials. But most of us experi­ ence the tribulation that Paul talks about through mental ten­ sion. It is important that we un­ derstand this, because when we do, we can bring the same tools to bear on mental tension that en­ able people to survive physical trials. So often we have been told that a Christian is ever radiant and joyful that we come to consider ourselves sinners when we are sad and weary. Probably we are, but all through the book of II Co­ rinthians, we find a record of the

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