King's Business - 1968-02

years to make. God sent rains and rivers which dug into the moun­ tain and formed the tunnels and walls of this cave. These beautiful stalactites and stalagmites were formed by water which kept dripping from the ceiling, and turning into a hard chemical. The chemicals piled on top of each oth­ er for hundreds of years, and now you can see what they have made. God made it, not only for us to enjoy, but also to prove how mighty He is. “Why don’t you two sit down,” he went on, “ so I can tell you an interesting story?” Duffy and Darla quickly found rocks to sit on so they could hear another of Uncle Bill’s wonderful nature stories. After all three were comfortably sitting on their rocks, Uncle Bill began: “Duffy and Darla,” he said, “we are go­ ing to experiment, so you do just exactly as your Uncle Bill says. First, I want all the flashlights turned off.” “What for, Uncle Bill?” Darla pleaded. “ So we can learn a lesson from God,” answered Uncle Bill. “Here, hold my hand, so you won’t be frightened.” Both Duffy and Darla took hold of Uncle Bill’s hands, and then obediently turned off their lights. “Now,” said Uncle Bill, “put your other hand in front of your eyes and try to see it.” Both Duffy and Darla waved their hands in front of their faces and strained their eyes to see. “Uncle Bill!” exclaimed Duffy, “ I can’t see anything! It’s too dark in here.” “ Yes,” answered Uncle Bill, “but that’s not all. Listen very carefully and tell me what you hear.” Duffy and Darla listened care­ fully to the room, which seemed to be filled with an awful silence. Suddenly, Duffy whispered, “Lis­ ten! I can hear something!” The sound was only a few feet away! Everyone could hear it! “------ Plunk------ plunk------ plunk------ .” “Uncle Bill,” whispered Darla,


L a s t m o n t h , Duffy and Darla met a rattlesnake, face to face. This month, while hiking on a hill with Uncle Bill, Smokey and Min- ny suddenly disappeared right into the mountain! When Duffy and Darla ran to where the pets had disappeared, they came right to the entrance o f a cave! The dog and kitten were sitting inside, waiting for Duffy, Darla, and Uncle Bill. “What is that big hole” ex­ claimed Darla, “ and where does it go ?” “ That dark hole leads into King’s Cave,” answered Uncle Bill. Then with a grin on his face he asked, “Want to go inside?” “ Yes!” shouted Duffy and Darla. “We have always wanted to see a real live cave! Is that why we brought flashlights, Uncle Bill?” “ Yes,” answered Uncle Bill. Then he looked at the animals and

said, “ Smokey, you and Skinny Minny wait here for us. Duffy and Darla and I are going to explore King’s Cave!” The three then turned on their flashlights and carefully entered the cave. Duffy and Darla stayed close to Uncle Bill. At first, they walked on dirt as they crept through the dark tunnel, but soon the ground turned into mud. The mud was caused by water dripping from the high ceiling of the cave. As Duffy and Darla stared at the ceiling, they could also see long, slender stalagmites which seemed to be trying with all their might to reach the ceiling. Sprinkled along the walls were wet glisten­ ing rocks and crystals. The far­ ther Duffy and Darla explored, the more amazed they became. “ How did God make something so beautiful?” asked Darla. Uncle Bill answered, “ Parts of this cave took nature hundreds of



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