King's Business - 1968-02

films, including another film on Viet­ nam which is nearing completion. Named as Acting President of World Vision was Dr. Richard C. Hal­ verson of Washington, D.C., for many years a close friend and associate of Dr. Pierce. Other officers of World Vision include executive vice-presi­ dents Dr. Ted W . Engstrom and Larry Ward, (Overseas Director), Dr. Paul S. Rees, vice-president at large and Dr. F. Carlton Booth, secretary-treasur­ er. Delegates to the Eighth Inter-Var- sity Missionary Convention gave and promised $93,000 for student work overseas through the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. This was a 360 per cent increase over the $19,000 given by the 7,000 dele­ gates at the Seventh Convention in 1964. The IFES includes national mem­

Hysteria, W ithdrawal, Neuroses, Character Disorders, A lcoholism , Marriage Problems and Sex Devia­ tion. Plans are now in operation for annual seminars of this type. Dr. Bob Pierce has announced his resignation as President of World Vision, Inc. for reasons of health. He will continue in the active service of World Vision as health permits. Founded by Dr. Pierce in 1950, World Vision has given emergency assistance to more than 100 denomi­ national and interdenominational agencies worldwide under its pro­ gram of “ providing emergency as­ sistance in crisis areas.” It has been announced officially by the World Vision Board of Directors that Dr. Pierce, in addition to speak­ ing and writing activities as he is able, will continue to serve the or­ ganization in the production of its

ber movements in some 35 countries, including the Inter-Varsity Chris­ tian Fellowships of the U.S. and Canada which sponsor the conven­ tion. Dr. John W. Alexander, general director of the U.S. IVCF headquar­ tered in Chicago, said this expres­ sion of financial concern for student work abroad reflects a significant in­ crease in the interest by American students in students in colleges in other lands. CORRECTION In the December' issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS, an item was pub­ lished concerning recent staff and facul­ ty additions at Los Angeles Baptist College in our “ People in the News” column. The copy indicated five full­ time staff members. It should have read “ five new staff and faculty members.” The school has a total of 15 on the staff and a faculty o f 24. H3


refugee children in Vietnam are struggling against tre­ mendous odJs in growing up. Pictured here are but a few. They need food; clothing, medical help, schooling. Most of all, they need the love, care and prayers of a sponsor. You can help in their search for security. You can help introduce them to the Prince of Peace. Enjoy the pleasure and satisfaction of such a plan through World Vision Childcare. As a sponsor you will receive a photo and brief history of your child. You’ll want to exchange letters, snapshots and send gifts.. Your love and influence will help your protege grow toward a happy, healthy, God-centered adult life. Choose the c h i l d y o u wish to sponsor or send a contribution to help in this herculean task." Use the handy coupon below. r ------- 1 |

I I Luong, thi Hinh ^ #2

I 1 Le, thi Hue #3

age 9

age 6

£§ E MSÍ p ii j p ¿j

■ □ I would like to sponsor the needy child Num ber_______ | at $10* per month. If this child has been chosen already, please substitutea similar child. Enclosed is $____________ I fo r_______month(s). □ I would like to contribute $___________ to the work of | World Vision Childcare. □ I’m interested. Please send more information. NAME (please prin t).......................................................................... I ADDRESS................................................................................................ I C IT Y ......................................................................................................... I STATE................................................Zip Code.................................. I *$11 in Canada A13-— 028C Write to WORLD VISION INTERNATIONAL

| I Nguyen, Nan 1— 1Hoang #4

[— I Le, Nan Minh L J # 5

age 6

age 9


CHILDCARE A department of

World Vision International

Box O, Pasadena, California 91109 or WORLD VISION OF CANADA, Box 181-K, Toronto 12, Ont. 8— -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..----------------- --- J

r ”|Nguyen, Xuan '— 1Huong #7

age 10



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