King's Business - 1968-02

bombarding the homes o f America through television and the various news media all admit that the product has a certain amount o f lung and body-destroying properties, but each com ­ pany claims that the other company’s products are greater villains in this regard than their own. The simple facts are that they all are practically equal in deadliness. The tragic part o f it is that such a large segment o f the Ameri­ can public is stupid or gullible enough to believe the advertisers. So the various brands o f cigarettes are purchased, and the victims go merrily on their way until it is too late to do anything about it, and they are completely enmeshed in the evil practice o f smok­ ing. Periodically the cigarette companies, in a moment o f hypocrisy urge that cigarette smoking be indulged in “ with moderation.” Like the liquor interests which urge drinking in moderation, these cigarette companies know fu ll well that the human body craves more and more nicotine once the smoking habit is formed. And cigarette smokers themselves know all too well that they are never satisfied with smoking in moderation. So this is cynicism o f the most reprehensive sort. There is a continually increasing demand for more smoke to satisfy the cravings o f the victim ’s body. The evils o f the smoking habit must be stressed first o f all, in the home. The home is twice blessed where neither the mother nor the father smokes. The children o f such a home have far greater chances o f never becoming enmeshed in this habit than do children where either or both o f the parents smoke. The danger is that if the warnings are pointed, or too frequent, the children sometimes rebel and will take up smoking as an expression o f rebellion. Y et it must be realized that the tobacco interests are continually advertising their products. That is the way sin works and that is the way individual ofttimes works because o f sin in the human heart. W e rebel against the right way if it is not properly presented. But we gladly accept the wrong way, and never seem to grow weary o f its appeals. N o t only should parents warn their children in the home, but also it would be a wonderful thing indeed if parents would unite in demands that their pastor cease his smoking habits (if he does indulge, and more and more ministers are indulging these d ay s); and if parents would demand that their church officials likewise be an example o f the believer in refraining from indulg­ ing in the smoking habit if only for the sake o f being a proper example for the children and young people o f the congregation. N o t one single beneficial result can be claimed for the smoking habit. Almost invariably, those who do indulge will confess that they wish they had never started. A t one time, smoking was considered rather lightly; it was only a moral issue. Furthermore, there were those who claimed that it was not even a moral issue. N ow it has been proven ebyond any reasonable doubt that the smoking habit is definitely damag- (continued on page 19)

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