King's Business - 1910-11

The King's Business

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The Immortality of the Soul. The Resurrection of the Body. The Life everlasting of Believers.' The Endless Punishment of the Im- penitent. The Reality and Personality of Satan.



Our position is INTERDENOMINATIONAL. All of the above doetrines are held by many members in good standing in the various evangelical churches. We hold no fads or fancies. The text book is the English Bible. We seek to present truth in its proper proportion, as the Spirit has given it in the Word. Many denominations are represented upon our Board and Faculty. The Dean of our School, Mr. W. E. Blackstone, is an honored and greatly beloved layman of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and our students represent almost all evangelical denom- inations. The Institute has but one purpose in its work—the qualifying of men and women for service in any field to which the Lord in His providence may call them. There are no charges for tuition; the work is a labor of love. We seek to be a real blessing to every evangelical church, and to the largest number of individuals pos- sible. We are under rio obligation to any denomination, and wili not curry favor with any sect or individual. The foundation of the school has been laid upon broad lines for large and permanent usefulness. The faculty is comopsed of strong Bible men, who bring to their service a large, practical experience in definite Christian work; men who have been successful as teach- ers, preachers, evangelists and leaders in aggressive business for God. The School seeks to give, in a two years' course a practical working knowledge of the whole Bible. The curriculum includes: Books of the Bible, The Great Doctrines, Chapter Studies, Homi- letics, Church History, Practical and Personal Work, and Missions. The Course is thorough and the examinations are rigid.

The Purpose

The Officials


T l i e Institute work is not confined to the work within its build- ing, but conducts classes in different sections of the «ity, and in


the surrounding cities and towns.

The breadth of the work can only be comprehended by personal touch with all of its departments. The Institute has become a ral- lying center for the study of the Word, and a radiating center for various forms of aggressive Christian work. The Institute has supported eight Bible Women, who have been engaged in house- to-house visitation and the conducting of Bible classes in churches and homes; a successful Mission among the twenty thousand

Theory and Practice

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