1) Players may play individually or they may form 2-member teams for every game cycle. The big advantage of this is that the commitment is generated by their coworkers, and the company only proposes the action. The commitment to participate in XXX activity is higher when it's proposed by a coworker than when it's proposed by the company. 2) For each game cycle we can have 2 winners: - Winner determined by the roulette: - A winner determined RANDOMLY by the roulette - A winner for commitment: The winner for commitment (who gets more points in the game) will also get a prize, as well as regional exposure, together with the winners for commitment from the rest of the terminals in the region.

A few examples of Regional/Global exposure: The 2023 Commitment Program may be launched, which mainly recognizes and gives extra benefits to those who are part of this program: - Interview them to upload the interviews to Connection so as to encourage the rest of their coworkers (see "A Day in the Life of xxxx"); - Post it on social networks and internal communications, giving them visibility and congratulating them on their commitment; - It should enable them to have a sharing experience for xxx time working at another terminal in the region…. The possibilities are endless...

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