King's Business - 1958-08

HIGGINS IS M Y NAME continued power and wealth could obtain in order to find if the possession of mere earthly things could bring satisfaction to a human heart and by so doing breed contentment in a human breast. This fabulously wealthy king sat on’a throne supported by a pedestal made of ivory and overlaid with gold. At his royal table there were served the most appetizing foods known to the sons of men and delec­ table blood-red wine, made from the earth’s finest cultivated grapes. This epicurean ruler drank from glitter­ ing cups of solid gold. As he ate his choice foods and drank his spark­ ling wines, talented singers sang beautifully the golden notes of the world’s finest music accompanied by ’musicians unexcelled and pos­

sibly unequaled among the inhabi­ tants of the entire earth. While this pleasure-loving despot ate his food, drank his wines and listened to his music, strikingly beautiful women stretched their sylph-like figures on the gold-covered steps of his world-famous throne. Once every year the navies of this pleasure-testing monarch sailed the distant seas to bring from the far-flung comers of the world to the palace of this, the world’s richest ruler of all ages, treasures of ani­ mals, birds, perfumes and spices. So the world had never seen before and it has never beheld since any­ thing like the riches, pomp and glory of King Solomon. Then one day this greatest of human rulers looked upon his

world-renowned possessions and gave his verdict to the sons of men for all time in these immortal and most noteworthy seven words: “All is vanity and vexation of spirit.” So, Mr. Higgins, King Solomon found, thousands of years ago, what you and multitudes more have dis­ covered since, that the mere posses­ sion of earthly things does not satis­ fy the human heart. It has been proved times unnumbered that the quest for heart satisfaction ends in disappointment to the man or wom­ an who searches for it in the mater­ ial things of earth. But heart satisfaction has been found, Mr. Higgins, by untold thou­ sands of the human family. These thousands, many of them weary with themselves and the empty things of earth have appealed to the only One who has heart satisfaction to impart—the Lord Jesus Christ. Nearly 20 centuries ago this Son of God stood upon this world His hands had made but upon which He was a homeless stranger. The sorrows of a lost and ruined race had plowed deep furrows on His holy face. To the sin-weary, self- weary, world-weary sons of men He extended this now ancient but blessed invitation: “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls” (Matt. 11:28,29). Many of the rich and millions of the poor have, throughout the cen­ turies that have passed since these blessed words were spoken, come by faith to the Son of God for the rest of heart that they have sought in vain in the passing things of time. In coming they have found that the Lord Jesus Christ has given them what He promised to give them if they would come to Him. He has given them rest, Mr. Higgins. And with this rest comes the only real happiness. END.

An easy biblical crossword puzzle


A cross 1) The baby in the bulrushes. 3) God — Love. 5) Daniel was not afraid when he heard the lions........... ..... 8) A ................ guided the Wise Men. 9) Jesus, said "Follow ........ ” 10) The shepherd boy who became a king.

D own 1) Moses’ sister.

2) Peter struck off the soldier’s ............ 4) Five thousand people .................... the loaves and fish. 6) I ....... the Lord thy God. 7) ....... came upon a midnight clear. 8) T h e ........... of Galilee.

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