King's Business - 1958-08

we go when we leave here?,” with­ out losing his interest in “How does it work,” “Can we take it to pieces and count . . . and observe . . . ?” He is no longer taken in by the fallacy that description is explana­ tion (a fallacy so often unrecog­ nized in popular teaching of the theory of evolution), his credulous acceptance of which had previously led inevitably to his dismissing the very idea of an initiating Creator, free to interfere in the world He had made. Finally there’s the dogmatic ag­ nostic. Here is the man on whom the mantle of Thomas Huxley has fallen. He claims that we can know nothing of God or of the super­ natural world. Nothing outside the material world can he known or proved. He says, tersely, “I don’t know. You don’t know. Nobody knows. Nobody can know.” No one can call this man “indifferent.” He takes his agnosticism more seriously than many Christians take Chris­ tianity. And his outward life may put that of some professing Chris­ tians to shame. The factors which make it pos­ sible to talk rationally in terms of the impossibility of agnosticism vary, naturally, with each position. Take the first. There comes a day when those who couldn’t care less begin to care intensely. Approach­ ing death makes the most ardent pursuer of pleasure sit up and think. The most sceptical begins to doubt the wisdom of his stand. Voltaire, who has initiated so many into the art of ridiculing anything allegedly supernatural, cried on his death­ bed, “O God save me. Jesus Christ save me. God have mercy upon me. Jesus Christ have mercy upon me.” Thomas Paine, author of the widely circulated Age of Reason, provides another example. During his last illness he was constantly attended by Mary Roscoe of Green­ wich, N.Y. He asked her if she had ever read any of his writings. When she said that she had read very little of them, he asked for her candid opinion, adding, “From such a one as you I expect a correct an­ swer.” She told him that when she was very young his Age of Reason was put into her hands, but that the more she read of it, the more dark and distressed she felt and she threw the book into the fire. “I

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