King's Business - 1958-08

wish all haid done as you,” he re­ plied, “for if ever the devil has had any agency in any work, he has had it in my writing that book.” When taking him refreshment she repeatedly heard him saying with intense feeling, “Q Lord! Lord God!” or “Lord Jesus! Have mercy on me.” There seem to be good grounds for believing that written retractions of his previous views were destroyed by his former asso­ ciates after his death. There is an empirical impossibil­ ity about the second position. The man who seeks will most surely find, so long as he looks in the right place and manner. In matters of religion we have the words of the highest authority, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that ask- eth receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” We cannot prove or disprove these statements without asking, and we cannot ask without receiving. If we claim to have asked already in vain, we can­ not have asked aright. We are not encouraged to ask material things for selfish ends. But God has said, “Ye shall . . . find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” The third position, that of the dogmatic agnostic, needs to be ex­ amined rather more closely. Gen­ erally, this man is well grounded in a scientific approach to life which he feels leaves little room for a personal God. The scientific meth­ od is commonly regarded as starting with observation by the senses. But to reach that point there have to be many assumptions; for example, that I exist, that my senses function normally, that they have an affin­ ity with those of previous observers, that the sense-data correspond to reality, that there is an inherent constancy or consistency in the universe, and that there is an or­ ganic unity between yesterday, to­ day and the unobserved tomorrow. No reasonable person objects to the scientist making these assumptions. Yet no scientist can amass over­ whelming or conclusive evidence and say, “That is final proof.” All he can say is, “My assumptions seem to work and supply a good ex­ planation of phenomena.” Neither


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