King's Business - 1958-08

science nor philosophy can prove anything absolutely. Now if the theologian gives due deference to scientific statements while protesting against unjustifi­ able scientific dogmatism, he is surely entitled to expect similar re­ spect for assumptions in his realm. Such respect should not be grudged. Sir Edmund Whittaker said recent­ ly on the BBC Third Programme (in a reply to Fred Hoyle): “When, from the purely intellectual point of view, we compare the arguments for the existence of God with the proofs of Einstein’s General Theory of Belativity, I should say that the theologians have it.” But the indictment that could be brought against many agnostics to­ day is that they are ignoring the evidence, treating it as beneath their contempt, a grossly unscien­ tific and unfair attitude. This atti­ tude is understandable only in the light of Christian teaching, which reveals the great gulf between the spirit of Christ and the spirit of the natural man, however well educat­ ed, moral and refined that man may be. When it comes to material things we are credulous and amazingly gullible. When it comes to the realm of the spirit many of us un­ consciously slip into an attitude which we should instantly disown if we were to face it through. The result is that we virtually assert, “My ignorance equals factual im­ possibility.” The reasonable attitude is, “I don’t know, hut I’m willing to put myself in the hands of one who does,” as we do with a surgeon or an airplane pilot, in their re­ spective spheres. Some of us who pride ourselves in our rational at­ titude to things are of all men least rational when it comes to the things of God! Ignorance is understandable. Contemporary Christian propagan­ da is not of superlative quality. Un­ willingness to investigate or to face the music of taking a stand as a Christian in a neo-pagan civiliza­ tion, is also understandable. But it is very difficult to understand men claiming the right to say that God is unknowable while there are data that they decline to investigate, and more than one valid experiment to which they are afraid to submit. One of the purposes of this brief

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