King's Business - 1958-08

commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.” What has God said in thus speaking? He has spoken of His infinite love towards mankind. He couldn’t care more. He has said that He made us for Himself, for fellowship with Him. He wants us to find out His will, to do it here on earth and then enter His visible presence to share unbroken fellow­ ship with Him. He speaks of our freedom to choose to love Him and love one another with real love, not mere “duty-demonstration.” He speaks of freedom abused, man los­ ing his way and losing touch wdth Him. He speaks of His hatred of sin, i.e., human self-sufficiency, re­ belliousness, ingratitude and pride; and of love so great towards the sinner that He sent His Son to take the sinner’s place—my place—in the condemnation due to his sin, so that a free and righteous pardon might be available for every man. In the death of Jesus Christ God has dealt wdth sin. He tells us so. This is at the heart of the Christian data. The one door is wide open, and we may, if we will, go in, par­ doned, cleansed and reconciled. “But I don’t believe that God has spoken,” objects someone. “I have never heard Him speak.” Failure to hear a broadcast, forgetting to tune in, does not prove that there was not transmission. Cutting a lec­ ture is not the same as the lecture not being given. The fact that we went to a lecture, but failed to un­ derstand it all, is no proof that the lecturer did not know what he was talking about! And the fact that we have neglected the Bible, and never extracted much from the small por­ tion we have read, does not mean that God has not spoken in the Bible. “But,” we protest, “we are afraid of trusting ourselves totally to some­ one of whom we know so little.” Ignorance may seem to be a plaus­ ible excuse. But we need not re­ main in ignorance. The data are available, historical evidence for the facts concerning Jesus Christ, literary evidence concerning the documents containing those facts, psychological evidence concerning His disciples, and experimental evi­ dence concerning ourselves, as we are and as we may become through contact with Him — all these are

Do you say, “Evolution explains that perfectly, without admitting any need of a Creative Personal­ ity”? Inadequate data once more! Evolutionary philosophy has no room for a personal God, but let us distinguish between philosophy and scientific fact. The observable facts tell us much about processes of de­ velopment, but are absolutely silent about ultimate origins. The only scientific facts we have are neutral, open to the Christian or the mater­ ialistic interpretation. But far outweighing any conclu­ sions that may or may not be reached by reasoning is the fact that with our finite minds we may know of the Infinite only what the In­ finite is pleased to reveal. And we may know that the Infinite has re­ vealed Itself (Himself) as a Person, exercising on an infinite scale the attributes of personality. There is a living God. He has spoken in the Bible. He means what He says and will do everything that He has promised, both in mercy to those who will trust Him and in judg­ ment against those who rebel. He has revealed Himself su­ premely in the incarnation, cruci­ fixion, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. He has acted in his­ tory. History is in fact His story, not man’s, nor the “tale told by an idiot . . . .” He has broken into the space-time continuum which is His own idea, subject to limitations He has imposed, and He will break in again in judgment. He has come into the world He made in Jesus Christ becoming true Man, the God- Man. God is not incompetent. He can reveal Himself. The designer of speech is not inarticulate. Ipse lo- cutus est! He is not immoral. Knowing man’s need, He has re­ vealed Himself. He uttered parts of His mind by the mouth of His prophets. He has spoken as much of His mind as man needs to know through the life and lips, deeds and death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, His Son, His express image, who said, “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father,” and “He that rejecteth me, and receiv- eth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day . . . . For . . . the Father which sent me . . . gave me a

from Nova Scotia The Peoples Gospel Hour with Perry F. Rockwood Reaching Roman Catholics and others with the Gospel message on Canada's largest broadcast. Also heard in Southern California on Station XERB (1090 on your dial) every Sunday at 9 a.m. In 1911 the R om an C a th o lic population of Canada was 2 i l/z percent. In 1951, 30.8 percent. Today it is 43.5 percent. OUR BROADCAST NOW REACHES 21 PERCENT AND IS GROWING! Help is needed from outside for this missionary work. $1 will reach 1000 people. Here is a MISSION FIELD that radio can reach ef­ fectively. A priest in the Phil­ ippines was saved through our broadcast last May. A Catholic mother in French Quebec also professed Salvation in May. Help us now to keep the Gospel going forth to those in darkness. $30 will sponsor a half-hour program over one station for one week. Free All who send a g ift will receive free Mr. Rockwood’s messages on Satan’s Snares, sermons on TV, the show and the dance. WRITE — SEND GIFT TO The Peoples Gospel Hour Hubbards, N.S., Canada


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