King's Business - 1958-08

branches of study open to our most careful investigation. But which of these lines of ap­ proach should the non-specialist take to begin with? Strangely enough, the answer is, “None of them.” They may be extremely useful and profitable later, but we should start with the most impor­ tant evidence of all, that which con­ cerns the identity of Jesus Christ. He Himself is the Christian datum. No second-hand conviction can sat­ isfy us here. It is possible to know for ourselves that the prophet of Nazareth was and is the very Son of God. A small document, inspired by God Himself, was produced by the Apostle John. It was written es­ pecially for those who are uncer­ tain that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and therefore are fear­ ful of trusting Him. There are many whose prejudices and scepti­ cism have been dispelled through reading this document. My father was brought from Jewish scepti­ cism to Christian faith through reading the Gospel written by John and acting on what he read. Count­ less others could be cited. One of the earliest sceptics, Thomas Didymus, said, “Risen? Jesus alive again? Seeing is believ-

Of course he would believe, faced with such evidence! Why is there no such evidence for us? Trying to believe only intensifies our doubts.” The answer to doubts is facts, and here, says John, are the facts. Expose yourself to them. God speaks through facts. Read them and re-read them as if your life depended upon them; for, in the deepest sense of all, it does. Here lies the secret of eternal life. To neglect the secret is to reject the life. But as you read, do bear in mind that you are not merely studying another subject. A merely passive subject of human investigation is certainly not a living God who can satisfy the longing of the human heart. However sceptical you may be, surely you can say, “O God, if there is a God, show me the truth about yourself as I read.” Some may say that they have read this gospel and found nothing. God gives light to those who will obey it, but He does not pander to our intellect with flashes of irrele­ vant illumination. If you are will­ ing to do God’s will, as you perse­ vere in reading you will become aware that you are in the presence of a real, living Personality, show­ ing Himself to be utterly trustwor­ thy; summoning you to turn from self-centered living and the idols of modem materialism, calling you to trust yourself to Him and follow Him to the end. He demands our allegiance, not our admiration. If we still persist that God is un­ knowable, then we are obliged either to deny the historicity of the data concerning Jesus Christ, or, if the records are accepted as true, to label Him as an unprincipled de­ ceiver. We are also forced to ig­ nore or libel the testimony of 60 generations of Christians, many of whom have suffered death rather than deny what they have known to be true, and the testimony of con­ temporary Christians of all nations and classes, all degrees of intellec­ tual attainment, all levels of uni­ versity life and all branches of sci­ ence, that God is faithful to His promise. We may deny the facts concern­ ing Jesus Christ and continue to equate ignorance with objective non-existence or impalpability of data, and to suppress factors incon-


Here is a drama in three sentences: "I am a leper, the fa th e r of th ree young children, two boys and a girl. About 6 months ago my wife died. Seven weeks ago I had to have my leg ampu­ tated.” These words in a letter to our office struck us with the

force of a blow. What can you do in the face of such desperate circum­ stances? Heal this man of his leprosy? Restore his wife to life? Bring back his amputated limb? Our hearts sank, but we read on. How was he taking his terrible misfortunes himself? Here is the rest of his letter: "The purpose of this letter is to ask you if you could possibly help me to buy an artificial leg so that I can walk and be able to work to support my destitute children. Please don’t close your heart to my appeal. May God bless you for all your good work for your less fortunate brothers. You may be sure that every­ thing I have written you is absolutely true. God knows that I tell the truth, and I am sure that He will take care of me and prompt you to help me. With much love in Christ, Emmanuel Koune- lakis.” Not a word of complaint—just a re­ quest to be allowed to work, and an expression of faith in God. What can one do but bow one’s head and ask the Lord to comfort, bless and relieve this poor man in his sorrow and need? At the same time we should ask the Lord to show us what we should do to answer our own prayers—and his. Of course, lepers cannot work outside, but some­ times there is work available in the Leper Home. Let us gladden this dear brother’s heart- by enabling him to secure the arti­ ficial' leg he so urgently needs to enable him to do productive work once more. You may help Emmanuel through the American Mission to Greeks, Inc., Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, General Secretary, Dept. K, P.O. Box 423, New York 36, N.Y. (In Canada: 90 Duplex Ave., Toronto 7, Ont.)

T u X. homas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. — from the Bible, John 14

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ing! Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust ,my hand into his side, I will not believe.” John records that, confronted with the risen Christ, Thomas fell at His feet, crying, “My Lord and my God.” John anticipates readers saying, “It was all very well for Thomas!

The King's Business


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