King's Business - 1958-08




^ J r i j m n ô 'M o u o C t r y n i By Phil Kerr


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LOVE FOUND A WAY Words by Avis B. Christiansen Music by Harry Dixon Loes

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I oes writes: “Many of my ideas for songs came from hearing Paul Rader preach. One Sunday night (1915) I heard him preach in the old Moody Church in Chicago on John 3:16. He emphasized the fact that man was steeped in sin, that God had endeav­ ored to find some way to bring him back to Himself, and that ‘love found a Way’ and ‘that Way was God’s only Son, willing to die on Calvary to bring men back into fellowship with the Father.’ “The phrase ‘love found a Way’ struck me immediately as a good sug­ gestion for a song. I jotted the pitches on a piece of paper and a few lyric suggestions for the chorus. Later the complete music, with the lyric sug­ gestions, was sent to Mrs. Avis Bur- geson Christiansen in Chicago. She wrote the stanzas and completed the chorus.” Harry Dixon Loes, a native of Michigan, graduated from the Moody Bible Institute in 1915 and entered the evangelistic field. In 1927 he be­ came musical director of the First Baptist Church in Okmulgee, Okla., a position which he resigned in 1939 to accept an appointment to the music staff of Moody Bible Institute. His well-known c o m p o s it io n s include “Everybody Ought to Love Jesus,” “All Things in Jesus I Find” and “Love Found a Way.” Avis B. Christiansen was bom in Chicago. Her Christian song-writing began one Sunday in 1915 when she heard one of Loes’ songs, “A ll Things in Jesus I Find.” Since that time, in collaboration with Loes and others, she has produced hundreds of hymn- poems, including “It Is Glory Just to Walk With Him,” “Jesus Has Lifted Me,” “Precious Hiding Place” and | “Believe On the Lord Jesus Christ.” WILSON'S DICTIONARY OF BIBLE TYPES By Walter L. Wilson, M.D., D.D. Amazing! Describes 4739 Types under 115/ Headings. Unfolding the meaning of Types in the human and celestial king- doms. A book for all Christians. 519 1 pages ................................................. $6.95 i DUNHAM Publishing Co., Findlay, Ohio j

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