King's Business - 1958-08


ed to stone Him to death, but Jesus answered them, ‘I have shown you many good things from the Father, for which of these do you intend to stone me?’ “ ‘We’re not going to stone you for any good things,’ replied the leaders, ‘hut for blasphemy: be­ cause you, who are only a man, are making yourself out to be God.’ Jesus barely escaped being killed right on the spot. “So you see,” concluded Jason, “He believes so strongly in His own deity that He is willing to risk His life by making public statements about it.” “I see what you mean,” said Rufus. Then the two were silent. As they approached the huge throng ahead they could see that Jesus was right in the midst of a great healing service. Surrounded by hundreds of the sick and ailing — cripples, blind, deaf, loathsome lepers, lunatics — Jesus healed them all, one by one, instantaneous­ ly. He used no drugs, no medicines, no incantations. Many times he didn’t even touch them with his hands. He just said, “Get up and

walk!” or “You are clean!” or “Your faith has healed you!” — and they were completely cured. It was absolutely astounding. Finally during a lull, as Jesus stepped back to rest for a moment, Rufus and Jason worked up their courage enough to come forward. Rufus said to Jesus, “John the Bap­ tist has sent us to you with this message, ‘Are you the One who was to come, or are we to look for some­ one else?’ ” “Go and tell John what you have seen and heard,” Jesus replied. “The blind are recovering their sight, cripples are walking again, lepers are being healed, the deaf are hearing, dead men a r e be ing brought to life and the Good News is going to those in need. And hap­ py is the man who never loses his faith in me.” “I don’t know about you,” said Jason, as he and Rufus went back to make their report to John, “but personally I’m convinced. After that demonstration of supernatural power, I believe that Jesus is what He claims to be — God in human flesh.” END.

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T know that any effort on my part t.o make myself Christian by observing this or that, is futile. Such observances are but shadows. Unreality. Reality is Christ Himself. The real thing casts the shadow, but we are not to depend upon the shadows. Men followed the shadows until reality in the Person of Jesus Christ came to earth and died on the cross, pouring out very real blood to redeem men once and for all from their very real dispositions of sin. — Eugenia Price In "Share My Pleasant Stones ” Zondervan Publishing House

Five beautiful Parchment Scrolls, each size 8% x 11 in., printed in rich gold and black with Old English lettering and ornate borders. These make fine Sunday School Awards, much appre­ ciated gifts, and excellent goodwill pieces. They are ideal for framing . . . perfect for dedications, openings, anniversaries, graduations, etc. Available ore the Lord's Prayer, The Ten Commandments, A Beautiful Description of Christ, The 23rd Psalm, and One Solitary Life, an unknown author's tribute to the Saviour. Your Choice of Any 10 - $1.00 Any 100 - $7.50 Any 500 - $25.00 ASSOCIATED ADVERTISING AGENCY, INC. 1017 N. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles 46, Calif. OLympia 2-7690

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